So if relatively little is likely to change writ large in 2025, and we have a healthcare system that produces below-average outcomes for exceptionally high spend, why be optimistic? Adjusting the aperture can be helpful. A Bill Gates quote comes to mind: “'Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Working to improve healthcare can at times feel like a Sisyphean task. It also can be difficult to recognize progress in the moment. With this in mind, perhaps the wisest prediction (or just insight) comes from an unlikely source: a media and public relations executive, not normally known for their desire to keep things low key. “Healthcare takes a minute,” advises and predicts Darren Brandt of Sloane PR. Amidst a prediction season that touts all the ways the world might change in the next 12 months, sometimes the diligence to keep one’s head down and patience to see things through is the reminder we all need. #healthcare #digitalhealth #technology
Well said! Josh Pappas Keeping our heads down and focusing on the long-term vision is how we truly make a difference in healthcare.
Digital Health Connector & Early Stage Sales Leader
1moLove the perspective by healthcare industry leaders Scott Barclay, Jonathan Bush, Alon Joffe, Sean Duffy, Robin Cherry Glass, Graham Gardner, MD, MBA, Zachariah Reitano and more 💡