UPDATE | Last week, I headed to SF for Tech Week. It was invigorating, inspiring, and all the other "-ings" you hope for when committing time and resources to attend such events. I used to hate conferences, particularly the pressure to bring back business. But then I had a realization — my typical ROI on such events is something like 10:1. Then I had a second realization. None of that ROI came from "pitching" people. In fact, most of it came from casual conversations that I didn't even consider "networking" while it was happening. With that being the case, the immense anxiety I feel at conferences to "perform" is utterly ridiculous. There is another side (isn't there always?). While I overindex for stressing at conferences, I underindex on follow-up. That 10:1 ROI I mentioned? It primarily came from coincidental reconnecting rather than intentional outreach. What would happen if I actually took the time to continue the conversations that started last week? This week I'm going to find out.
Sorry, we missed you last week. Next time!
People/Culture/HR/Employee Engagement Leader, Career Amplifier, Nonprofit Supporter
2moIf networking is a chore you're probably doing it wrong. Just be a person meeting other people connecting over things of interest. Sometimes that may be work-related. I only met you because of being in a small crowd in a horrible venue at SXSW. Never had the thought I'd end up in print but that's just how things played out.