DAULAT TUANKU Salutations and Heartiest Congratulations His Royal Highness Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Alhaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj on the occasion of His Royal Highness's 79th birthday. With sincerest reverence from Datin Shivajini Seelan and the JS Partners Team.
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🍁 Happy Victoria Day! 🍁 Today, we celebrate Victoria Day, a special date commemorating the monarch who played a pivotal role in our history. From all of us at Bizont, we wish you a safe and happy long weekend. Enjoy the festivities and time with loved ones! #VictoriaDay #HappyVictoriaDay #Canada #Yukon #SummerBegins #BusinessIntelligence #WebDevelopment #AppDevelopment
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The first step of Achieving is understanding there is NO time limit with Completing your Goals. 🙏🏽
Fort Sill Garrison Chaplain/NATO Credentialed Chaplain/Family Life Chaplain/ Joint Indigenous Collaboration Team Chaplain/Ms. Achievement North America 2025~Because Smart Is Beautiful/Mission Mentor
In step with International Tiara Day, always celebrated on Queen Victoria’s Birthday, I offer a favorite quote of hers I completely resonate with: “I know just how much I rely on my faith to guide me through the good times and the bad. Each day is a new beginning. I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God!” #faithgoals #msachievementusa2024 #becausesmartisbeautiful #drworldproductions #InternationalTiaraDay #queenvictoriaday #queenvictorialegacy
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🏴 Musical Moments: Auld Lang Syne...Happy New Year 🎇 Did you know that Auld Lang Syne, which was first written down by Robert Burns, originally ended Scotland's Hogmanay celebration marking the last day of each year? The poem was a traditional one that are really existed. It was sung at the stroke of midnight to transition to the new year. I knew nothing about this until 2 years ago. My Ancestry DNA results revealed that I am descended from a man from Scotland's Black Isle who migrated to Jamaica. I have been writing a novel inspired by his story. Originally, I wanted to feature a Christmas celebration in Scotland and later contrast it with a Jamaican Christmas. Through my research, I learned that Christmas was not even a public holiday in Scotland until 1958. "Even after Charles II was restored to the throne, celebrating Christmas was frowned upon in Scotland for a long time – it wasn't until 1958 that 25 December became a Scottish public holiday." SOURCE: National Trust for Scotland What did people in Scotland celebrate instead? Hogmanay I had never heard of Hogmanay. "Christmas and New Year used to be celebrated as part of a longer yule period in Scotland. But Christmas feasting was strongly frowned upon after the Reformation, and the festivities became focused instead on Hogmanay." "Scotland still enjoys two public holidays at New Year, compared to only one in the rest of the UK. Some Hogmanay customs also continue to this day, such as the belief that a clean house is necessary to bring in the New Year. When open fires were common, the ashes were cleared and a new fire was laid. And then there’s ‘first footing’: the first person to enter a house after midnight is thought to bring good luck (so long as they bring gifts of coal, whisky and shortbread!)." SOURCE: National Trust for Scotland Did you know about Hogmanay and the origin of Auld Lang Syne. #happynewyear #Scotland #Hogmanay Enjoy this stirring rendition of Auld Lang Syne along with a pictoral tour of The Black Isle. It gives me goosebumps and almost brings me to tears. https://lnkd.in/eX7BXyuQ
💥AULD LANG SYNE 💥 Royal Scots Dragoon Guards💥
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Will be edited later: Never claim you understand how economy works Saudi Central Bank is bankrupt Zero halalah in it. Their reserve is rejected as it must be monitored and verified by all countries and citizens of the UN org according to the sole warranty and guarantee that services are provided by the meant neutral organization, and it is granted services and that is impossible to claim . This is rejected in principle as it is a military and warfare zone. Thus, they belong to the systems of pastures and here comes to mind the ministries like ministries of healthcare. No banking Another Iraq Not better than Sadam Illegal their banking systems You reject any gold or currencies reserve in the bank here locally and likewise globally. All of them constitutes illegal forms of systems and entities. Atlas and Arabia to begin with a land described as a land of tribulations, thirst, hunger, calamities, disasters, tribulations and every problem you think of. In another word it is a disaster zone or a form of life which, only produce problems and things that can extinct the world. It is an empty planet, and therefore herds of Ibrahim and concepts alike fake problems and images of people as they walk in the street, and behave as the rulers of the world. Military, Police, Security and Riot operations will never solve the problem. It has nothing to do with faiths and sects but how life operates. Any Systems you could think of , and it is here a general term that it is inclusive of everything you could think of, and it operates as such. Lands in Atlas cannot be masoned or built or governed without a banner of an Imam, or better an Imam and he sits in the government palace
As we celebrate Eid Al Fitr, I wish you abundant joy, peace, and prosperity. This festive occasion unites families and communities, symbolizing the culmination of a month filled with self-reflection and spiritual growth. Let us treasure these moments of togetherness, strengthening bonds with loved ones and extending kindness to those in need. Eid Mubarak!
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1st June makes 40 years since the third Sikh genocide of 1984. The most scared shrine of the Sikhs, Sri Darbar Sahib (aka Golden temple) along with at least 40 other gurudwaras in Punjab were simultaneously attacked by the Indian army. Let's put this into context; imagine how Muslims would feel if there was a full scale army attack on Mecca or Catholics if there was such an attack on the Vatican church. All foreign journalists were expelled from Punjab, telephone lines were cut and roads into and out of Punjab were blocked off effectively isolating Punjab from the rest of the world. One Indian journalist, Brahma Chaney, managed to stay within Punjab and reported witnessing Sikh men shot at point blank range by the Indian army with their hands tied behind their backs with their turbans. Contrary to popular belief, Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale was not fighting for Khalistan (Independent Sikh homeland), he was actually fighting for the anandpour Sahib resolution which would have benefited all Punjabis regardless of religion. This political fight was portraited by the Indian media as being Sikhs vs Hindus which is simply not true. India is a great country with unlimited potential (that's why the British used to call it the "jewel in crown of the British Empire"), however this genocide against Sikhs remains a black mark against post independent India and the window of opportunity to give Sikhs justice is closing very quickly. The world is watching India as it steps up to its rightful place as a world power; I just hope it will do the right thing for a community which has always defended India and made it strong. #1984, #Sikhgenocide #neverforget1984
TODAY WE REMEMBER 1984 Harjap Bhangal Paul Millan Sharan Bhachu Baldip Singh MCIArb CJ Mandeep Kaur Virdee Gurbani Kaur
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INSTALLATION OF THE 17th KING The installation ceremony of His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim as the 17th King of Malaysia is set for 20 July 2024. As at the time of this post, the government has not made any announcement that 20 Jul has been gazetted as a public holiday. So, work goes on as usual. Please feel free to:- a. drop me a friend "Connect" request or "Follow" me so that you will not miss my future posts. Don't worry, I won't spam you; or b. "Like", "Repost" or "Send" if you appreciate this post; or c. private message me for your in-house or public training needs or collaboration opportunities. d. share your personal experiences, thoughts, doubts, comments, feedback, brickbats, whatever in the "Comment" section below. Cheers. https://lnkd.in/gsRHTWsW Credit: The Star.
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This is wholesome
Chief Creative Officer | Storyteller | Author | Curious Optimist | Wordsmith | Multicultural Marketeer | The Meaning of Sport |
That first ever gold medal feeling! Amazing to see the people of tiny Caribbean country of St Lucia overjoyed as 100m sprinter Julian Alfred delivered their first ever gold medal. The new Queen of St Lucia scorched the field to win in 10.72s and the live site in the capital Castries erupted in joyful scenes as she delivered on the hopes and dreams of a nation. St Lucia's motto is 'Live Slow' but they now have the world's fastest woman and the island of 180,000 people will celebrate Alfred's return with a parade across the island - which amazingly is the only country in the world named after a woman. Shout out to Thea Lafond from Dominica who won that Caribbean Island's first medal when she won gold in the triple jump. A salute to Julian Alfred for reminding us that sports matter and unite and few things can evoke the emotion of a local hero achieving on the global stage, especially the Olympics. #JulianAlfred 🥇 #StLucia #CaribbeanQueen Credit: @HazelEyez552
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Expert guidance is the key to unlocking your potential. Let Queen's Sisterhood Society show you how to own a hotel for just $1,500. https://lnkd.in/eTjmz5e4 #ProvenMethods #FinancialFreedom #ProvenMethods
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He is known for having led a heroic life of righteous path. He is Lord Ram. We pay an ode to his birth anniversary today and seek blessings to always chose the path of light. Find out how Ram Navmi is celebrated in various forms in the blog below. Wishing you a happy Ram Navmi🥳 #ourdesk #ourdeskkhar #ourdeskcoworking #coworking #coworkingspace #ram #ramnavmi
OurDesk Wishes You A Happy Ram Navmi
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“Wishing a very Happy Eid to our customers. May you enjoy this day of festivities with your loved ones and make it a cheerful and memorable day.“ #eid2024 #eidmubarak #uprightmc #consultancy #financialservices #accountingservices #auditingservices #humanresources
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