Interesting article by the always sharp ScienceGuide colleagues about the impact of a complete elimination of English-taught higher education in the Netherlands, destilling findings from researchers at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Since financial considerations seems to me the main driver for most decision making, let me note that the researchers predict a decrease of the Dutch Gross Domestic Product of up to 1.6%, namely a whooping 15 billion EUR. Promoting Dutch language (academic) skills is of course extremely important, but a total ban on English-taught higher education is unlikely to help here in any significant way, while leading to a significant decrease in the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Dutch innovation ecosystem (in addition to a heavy hit to the NL finances). Targeted actions, taking into account the specifics of each program and university, and in consultation with stakeholders, would be much more efficient. original article:
Juan Rojo’s Post
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Dark clouds overshadow the opening of the Dutch academic year. Not only because of the fierce budget cuts that have been announced but also because of the Internationalization in Balance Act that is upon us. And on top of that the position of universities and academic freedom in a polarizing world with harsh political and social realities. Years of investments in recovering from and dealing with deficits face being nullified! How can it be that future generations are so let down by our politicians - who themselves have enjoyed quality (international) education - while our students and young researchers are the ones shaping the future of our country an of the world through education, research, development and innovation? #Universities #HigherEducation #Internationalisation
Terwijl universiteiten het academisch jaar openen, nemen de zorgen toe: dit zijn de drie grote uitdagingen
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When Inholland University of Applied Sciences started the first COIL-course in 2016 we could hardly envision the proliferation of such courses in the years to follow. Our esteemed partner institutions’ backing, coupled with the financial aid from the ministry via, enabled us to establish numerous projects across diverse fields, all having in common that they try to tackle societal problems by boundary-crossing education. A big compliment for all teachers to make this happen! #COIL #international #VirtualExchange #InternationalisationAtHome #VISinhetHO This article (now only in Dutch) will be translated into English soon:
Finance en business-studenten enthousiast over COIL-courses
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Very Wise & Impressive Steps by Dutch colleges: #Dutch colleges take action to limit #international: Dutch #hbocolleges or #hogescholen are planning to take action to limit the number of international students on some courses, in the wake of similar moves by the country’s 13 universities. While #international lstudents only account for less than 10% of the hbo college student body, there does need to be a better balance on some courses, #hbo association chief #MauriceLimmen said. The number of foreign students taking #degree courses at hbo colleges, known as universities of #appliedscience abroad, has remained stable in recent years. Nevertheless, “to maintain this balance in the future, we are taking measures now,” Limmen said. “In this way, we can strengthen the advantages of #internationalisation and limit the disadvantages.” The proposals have been submitted to education minister Robbert Dijkgraaf who is currently working on measures to limit the number of international students in general and promote more teaching in Dutch. Some 12,000 international bachelor and master’s students started a degree course at an hbo college this academic year.
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There is a lot of motion in #Dutch #academia: in the context of "iedereen #professor", several #universities have implemented changes in promotion regulations, such as allowing every committee member to wear a gown during the ceremony. Recently Eindhoven University of Technology took the biggest leap - extending the 'ius promovendi', the right to promote, to experienced assistant professors. A wonderful step that I wholeheartedly support. Still, we could ask another question: Does the 'ius promovendi' still align with modern academia? An academia where more and more #PhDs are not supervised by a single professor, but supervision is more of a collective endeavour. Is an experienced promotor indeed key in safeguarding quality, considering all other checks and balances? Does experience even guarantee quality supervision? My colleague Martin Sand raised this - perhaps somewhat provocative - question during a writing training by Daniël Schut for Delft Young Academy, and we decided to work out the argument that indeed the 'ius' may be an outdated concept, now available for your enjoyment at NRC: We're of course very interested in your perspectives: should we keep it as is? Is it indeed outdated? Or do we need an intermediate: for example mandate a second senior supervisor, but give equal #recognition to the 'junior and senior partner'? Should we mandate a second supervisor, but focus on expertise rather than experience? The floor's open for discussion ;) And in the meantime, I'm very happy to see progress on "#iedereen #professor" - and very grateful for all the great supervision collaborations, with junior and senior colleagues alike!
Opinie | Schaf het ius promovendi af in plaats van het te verruimen
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This time in English! 🤓 On the 14th all who are invested, in one way or another, in the future of education will gather in Utrecht to take a stand against the vindictive measures of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Eppo Bruins. A billion euros of public support is being cut to universities with no financial rationale provided. This week, Bruins has proposed 300 million more be eliminated. Entire departments in universities are being wiped out, whole study programs terminated. Once they are gone, they will not likely return. This attack on education and research has consequences that will reach far beyond the walls of the university. As an immigrant from the U.S., it is heartbreaking to watch so much of what has made the Netherlands an inspiration to me be placed on the chopping block. And to what ends? The argument that this is a financial necessity simply does not hold water. Politically motivated, Bruins' aims, among others in this cabinet, are to reduce our shared capacity for critical thought and collective dissent by swinging a wrecking ball through science, along with the cultural field, the book market, newspapers, and public broadcasting. It is time we stand together against this attack on the right to an adequately funded quality-education, and on the freedom of scientists to do the work that needs to be done to address the challenges we face today and tomorrow. But if we are to change things, we need widespread support, from people involved with all kinds of industries and walks of life -- each of which, in their own way, benefits from what education and research provides. So please join us on the 14th! Details and registration can be found here: For more on the situation: Thanks for reading and considering. Kindest regards, Dr. Angela M. Bartholomew Assistant Professor Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Kabinet sloopt hoger onderwijs
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Maastricht University student numbers stabilise This year, the total number of students at Maastricht University will probably still increase slightly to more than 23,000. Due to an estimated 3% decrease in the number of new students, this growth will level off. The ratio of Dutch to international students is also stabilising: among the new cohort, the proportion of Dutch students is increasing slightly. A large proportion of students still come from within Maastricht’s Euregion; over 50% of students come from within a 100-kilometre radius of Maastricht. The university indicated last year that we will keep an eye on how much growth the city of Maastricht can handle. At the same time, UM tries to ensure that the intake of students remains at a sufficient level: the region still has major labour shortages. There’s an urgent need to train enough talent to ensure the prosperity and wellbeing of Limburg and the Netherlands. More here:
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Wonderful when politics make drastic decisions based on populism instead of facts. --> I am certainly not of the opinion that internationalisation is the solution for everything. There are many good reasons why people prefer to speak their mother tongue and not English. However, when politics intervenes in one of the best educational systems within Europe, it should be based on profound grounds. Next to opinions, this is what we actually know: Despite all these opinion papers published in newspapers who say the contrary: Empirical studies show that Dutch bachelor students are equally satisfied with Dutch and English language programs ➡️ ➡️ In the long run, international students contribute significantly to the Dutch economy by providing needed labor AND paying taxes. Loosing these students means loosing highly-qualified tax payers and workers. ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ The Dutch industry shares these concerns. They urgently need international students to fill their vacancies. Ironically, if the inflow of international students is reduced, companies will have to recruit more from abroad to match their labor demand. ➡️ Last, but not least, research: In the latest ERC round, over 60% of ERC winners in the Netherlands have a foreign background, showing the innovation internationals bring to Dutch research. If these people leave, their research and innovation leaves the Netherlands, too. ➡️ As a German I also can't help to think about the bureaucracy this policy will bring along. How many more committees will we need to proof-check our programs on language, what programs fall under the 'exception', etc.? What will this cost? And how should this be implemented when the same government just cut millions from higher education?
Kabinet maakt Nederlandse taal de norm en beperkt studiemigratie
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🎉 In THE World University Rankings KU Leuven scores a perfect 💯 in the "Industry" pillar, reflecting its strong performance in technology transfer, innovation, and economic impact. This comes as no surprise to us at MICAS (KU Leuven) 😊. Around 1/3 of our research activities are carried out within the context of a collaboration with industry, in which we not only aim to advance the scientific state of the art, but also to solve an application driven challenge with a large socio-economic impact. ➡ More about our research activities:
KU Leuven rises to 43rd Place in the 2025 Times Higher Education World University Rankings ----- KU Leuven is twee plaatsen gestegen op de Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings en staat nu op plaats 43 wereldwijd. KU Leuven is de enige Belgische universiteit in de top 100 en behoudt haar positie als beste Belgische universiteit in de drie gangbare rankings: THE World University Rankings, QS Ranking en Shanghai Ranking (ARWU). Deze erkenning is maar mogelijk dankzij de dagelijkse inzet van al onze medewerkers en studenten en de vele inspanningen op het gebied van onderzoek, innovatie en internationale samenwerking. In de THE 2025 ranking presteert KU Leuven bijzonder sterk op de pijler "Industrie", waar ze een perfecte score van 100 behaalt. Dit resultaat weerspiegelt haar leiderschap in kennisoverdracht en innovatie. In de categorie “Onderzoeksomgeving” excelleerde KU Leuven met topscores voor zowel Onderzoeksproductiviteit als Onderzoeksinkomsten. Daarnaast werd de onderzoekskwaliteit van de universiteit hoog beoordeeld, met een totaalscore van 92,4. Vooral wat betreft invloed van het onderzoek (99,6) en onderzoeksexcellentie (99,9) werden topscores gehaald. ----- KU Leuven has risen two places compared to last year’s Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking, securing the 43rd spot globally. KU Leuven is the only Belgian university in the top 100 and maintains its position as the best Belgian university in the three prevailing rankings: THE World University Rankings, QS Ranking and Shanghai Ranking (ARWU). This recognition is only possible thanks to the daily efforts of all our staff and students and the many achievements in research, innovation and international cooperation. The university performs exceptionally well in the "Industry" pillar, where it achieves a perfect score of 100. This result highlights KU Leuven’s leadership in knowledge transfer and innovation. In the Research Environment category, KU Leuven excelled with top scores for both research productivity and the research income. Moreover, KU Leuven's Research Quality was highly rated, with a total score of 92.4, further emphasizing the university's significant research influence (99.6) and excellence in scientific research (99.9). ----- More info:
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A mini Brexit from The Netherlands and targeting education Undergrad in the NL has a strong case: univ are of good quality, their facilities are top, yet fees are low. Most importantly they teach in English in most cases, making it very appealing to international students. Latest move from politicians (following this western strong nationalistic trend): Let's teach undergrad in Dutch only. Bravo! Another country shooting itself in the foot... If the logic is that you dont want to subsidize non taxpayers, I get it. Then, you have a fee for anyone whose parents have been paying ten years of taxes in the country (or make the fee a function of N years of tax paying), and irrespective of their nationality, those with no taxes paid in the NL have a different fee. Hence if a Dutch person leaving in Spain comes, he/she pays full price. Then you will have to think about orphans etc. but at least you will be making some economic sense
Professor of Finance (Chair Institutional Investors) at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics
Ik schrijf deze post in het Nederlands omdat de politici en beleidsmakers dit waarschijnlijk prefereren. Maar de boodschap is universeel en geldt voor alle taalgebieden. Gelukkig is er een eenvoudige vertaal-app (Deep L) die is ontwikkeld door een gepromoveerd wetenschapper in Computer Science (overigens geen Nederlander). Wat gebeurt er als we het bachelor onderwijs weer volledig in het Nederlands gaan geven? Het is een complexe rekenexercitie die goed wordt uitgelegd in het Nijmeegse, onafhankelijke universiteitsmagazine Vox. Harry Garretsen en Ahmed Skali schreven er een zeer lezenswaardig artikel over met de veelzeggende titel: “the Cost of Nativism: Evidence from the Netherlands.” Toch even in het Engels: The gist of the article..? It would lead to an estimated contraction of the university sector of 8.6% which in turn would lead to a (very conservatively estimated) GDP loss of 1-1.5%. What problem are we actually solving? Are we looking at the issue with a long-term lens and taking into account all consequences of the nativist direction of our current Dutch government..? Pieter Omtzigt Agnes Joseph Rosanne Hertzberger Judith Uitermark
Geen colleges meer in het Engels kost Nederland veel geld op de lange termijn - Vox magazine
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Statement by WOinActie against the Internationalisation in Balance Act (WIB) Among the destructive measures taken by the Schoof government to severely impact Dutch science and higher education is a stricter version of the Wet Internationalisering in Balans (WIB - Internationalization in Balance Act). This version of the WIB threatens to leave thousands of academics without jobs. The platform WOinActie calls on the government to reverse these plans and on administrators not to implement them, should it come to that.
WOinActie zegt 'nee' tegen de WIB
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