Judith Fiddler’s Post

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HR-Preneur. 1 million+ safe HR hearings, 8 published books

Discrimination because of no other reason? Is this one step too far, or how rules and the application of discrimination should work? Are we truly ensuring fair treatment for all candidates, regardless of age or other factors? Are you equipped to navigate the nuances of discrimination law in your hiring practices? #age #agediscrimination #hrisbroken #hrinrehab #hrmembership #jointoday #hrpayriseplease

Judith Fiddler

HR-Preneur. 1 million+ safe HR hearings, 8 published books


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Stephanie Feltham

Career Interim HRD/HR Consultant - Delivering solutions to your HR challenges and driving data-driven improvements in employee engagement.


Interesting case but ignoring any of the facts I'd put this down to poor HR processes and training. Resourcing is one of the basic HR priorities. Anyone who has been through basic HR training CIPD or otherwise and their direct manager should ensure there is an 'audit trail' to be able to justify why a candidate was selected or not. Unfortunately much of Network Rail's previously great and highly professional HR support was outsourced into large shared service centres sometime ago which is a risk when resourcing and other HR roles are designated as admin and therefore perhaps not requiring the same training and coaching. This case could have so easily been avoided by applying best practice principles of talent sourcing ie a simple shortlisting matrix which would have added a little time but perhaps focussed the adminstrator who was sifting on the important essential criteria and saved a large amount of time, resource and £s etc

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