Some great tips here for those new (and not so new) for unleashing the fundraising potential of marathon places..
The charities that entered the London Marathon ballot for Golden Bond places will now have heard back. And if your charity now has marathon places for the very first time, you might be thinking about how best to use them. I'm putting together an epic bundle of resources to help charities of any size - but especially small charities - maximise your marathon. 🔗: The bundle will include videos, PDFs and templates for; * Template application form AND scoring system * Recruitment ideas and messaging for warm and new audiences * Template welcome pack * Template stewardship journey including engagement prompts, fundraising ideas and employer matched funding support * Map of cheer point locations and the pros and cons * "How to" post race but also "should you?" * Tips and tricks to inspire your marathon runners to be on-going supporters of your charity I've been working with charities and London Marathon teams since 2008 in my very first role as an Events Fundraiser looking after a team of 500 runners. So I know a thing or two about how to make those valuable places work hard for you. There's a lot to cover there so it's not quite ready yet. Join my wait list to be the first to know when it goes live 🎉 PLUS bonus freebie for joining the wait list 🎉 *** 1hour power hour of bespoke advice and insight to tailor the templates to YOUR runners and audience *** The power-hour alone is valued at almost as much as the Marathon Motivation bundle. Sign up now to the wait list which will go live early January.
Public Fundraising consultant, specialising in Community, Events and Individual Giving,
1moThank you for sharing! Looking forward to being able to help lots of charities with these resources!