It’s #SocialEnterpriseDay! We’re proud to count ourselves among the 1 in 42 UK companies putting #PeopleAndPlanetFirst. Our social enterprise works to combat climate change by growing forests, regenerating oceans and educating current and future generations. In just 5 years, we've: 🌳 Planted over 4 million trees 💼 Provided 48,500 days of rural employment 🏫 Partnered with 1,000+ schools and businesses integrating tree planting into their sustainability strategies 👩🏫 Educated 230,000 children with our environmental resources through JUST ONE Tree Day Last year, we also became an official partner of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Most importantly, we're improving lives and landscapes around the world. #climateaction #sustainablefuture
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It’s #SocialEnterpriseDay! I'm proud to count ourselves among the 1 in 42 UK companies putting #PeopleAndPlanetFirst. JUST ONE Tree combats climate change by growing forests, regenerating oceans and educating current and future generations. In just 5 years, we've: 🌳 Planted over 4 million trees 💼 Provided 48,500 days of rural employment 🏫 Partnered with 1,000+ schools and businesses integrating tree planting into their sustainability strategies 👩🏫 Educated 230,000 children with our environmental resources through JUST ONE Tree Day Last year, we also became an official partner of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Most importantly, we're improving lives and landscapes around the world. It feels incredible to be part of such a positive force for good! #climateaction #sustainablefuture
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🌎 Happy Earth Day! 🌍 Did you know #EarthDay has been around for 54 years? This day was formed to raise awareness of environmental issues that affect us all. For us, the environment is the thread that binds us. At #TheSustainabilityAlliance, we work every day at the intersection of improving the stewardship of our natural world, championing community resiliency and creating opportunities for economic vitality. While great progress has been made over the last half-century, there is more to do than ever before. Luckily, we now also have more tools in our toolbelt and more opportunities to use them! This Earth Day, we are full of hope for a better future. One that can sustain our species and the countless others we rely on. One that can increase lifespans and decrease natural disasters. A future where inequalities are a vestige of the past and where our children, and their children, can thrive for generations to come. #EarthDay #EarthDay2024 #ProtectOurPlanet #SustainableLiving #ClimateAction #GoGreen #MotherEarth #NatureIsBeautiful #SaveThePlanet #EnvironmentalJustice #EcoFriendly #ActOnClimate #GreenLiving #ReduceReuseRecycle #EarthDayEveryDay
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Parks serve as the green lungs of cities, providing essential ecosystem services, enhancing public health, and fostering social cohesion. As regions grapple with the impacts of climate change, the need for decarbonization, just transition and health disparities, parks are critical infrastructure that help to address such challenges by advancing environmental, economic and social sustainability. Read the blog from Clement Lau to explore how parks are indispensable to the sustainability of all communities and how L.A. County is committing to building a more resilient and inclusive county: #PowerOfParks #WhereYouBelong #OpenSpaceBlog #Conservation #Sustainability #Environment #ClimateChange
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Finding peace this week in knowing that it is local communities and governments that are the TRUE leaders in the fight against climate change. Local governments and communities are driving real, tangible change every day. They're... 💧 Innovating in water conservation to protect our resources 🚴 Building sustainable transport networks to reduce emissions 🌳 Planting urban forests and green spaces that cool our cities 🌞 Expanding clean energy infrastructure to reduce reliance on fossil fuels 🤝 Working closely with residents to ensure equity is central to climate resilience While climate challenges are global, local action is where the rubber meets the cool-pavement road. Let’s recognize and support the community leaders, city officials, and grassroots organizations who are driving real change. They are the heart of the climate movement, and they deserve to be celebrated. 👏🌍💚 #ThinkGlobalActLocal #ClimateAction #LocalLeadership #Sustainability #Community #Resilience #ClimateChange #GreenCities #UrbanSustainability Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN) Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance Southeast Sustainability Directors Network
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At the Urban Forestation Revolution Consultative Workshop, I had the chance to reflect on the role of local knowledge in tackling climate change and restoring nature. One critical point I emphasized: indigenous and local knowledge must be the foundation of our sustainability strategies. Without considering the cultural, social, and environmental realities of local communities, our climate interventions will not succeed. For example, in my work with Learning Garden, I have seen how community-led initiatives that integrate local expertise such as designing customized nature-based solutions and reviving traditional practices can have a profound impact. It’s time we move away from one-size-fits-all solutions and focus on what works best for each community, ensuring that we address their unique needs and tap into their existing resilience and knowledge. #LocalKnowledge #ClimateResilience #SustainableDevelopment #NatureBasedSolutions #CommunityDriven #EnvironmentalImpact
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Today, on August 14th, as we reflect on the values of independence, progress, and community, I am reminded of the importance of giving back to our planet. Our environment sustains us, and it's our responsibility to ensure its health for future generations. That's why I've taken a pledge to plant trees regularly, starting today. Trees are more than just nature's lungs; they are symbols of hope, resilience, and a greener future. By planting a tree, we're contributing to the fight against climate change, restoring ecosystems, and fostering a healthier planet for all. I encourage everyone to join me and Native Youth Club for Climate Change - NYCCC in this commitment. Let's make a lasting impact by nurturing the earth, one tree at a time. Together, we can create a legacy of green for the generations to come. #IndependenceDay #Sustainability #PlantATree #GreenFuture #EnvironmentalResponsibility #14August
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🌍 Today, on International Day of Older Persons, we honor the invaluable contributions of older generations in building a sustainable future. 🌱 As we face the challenges of #climatesecurity, their wisdom and lived experiences offer vital lessons in resilience, adaptation, and community stewardship. From traditional knowledge on sustainable land use to mentoring the youth in environmental conservation, older persons play a crucial role in shaping a greener, more secure planet for future generations. 🌳🤝 Let’s celebrate and empower them to continue being climate champions! 🌿 #InternationalDayOfOlderPersons #ClimateSecurity #Sustainability #IntergenerationalWisdom #ClimateAction
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Happy World Environment Day 2024! Today, we join millions around the globe in celebrating World Environment Day! This year’s theme, “Restore Our Earth”, reminds us of the urgent need to take action to heal and protect our planet. At Youth Initiative for Climate Action-Sierra Leone (YICA-SL), we are committed to empowering young people to lead the charge in environmental conservation and climate resilience. Here’s how we’re making a difference: 📚 Climate Education: Reached over 5,000 students through climate awareness campaigns. 🏖️ Community Clean-Ups: Organized youth-led beach clean-ups to preserve our beautiful coastlines. 🤝 Policy Advocacy: Collaborating with stakeholders to promote climate-friendly policies. Join Us in Celebrating World Environment Day! Here’s how you can get involved: 1. Plant a Tree: Contribute to reforestation efforts in your community. 2. Educate and Advocate: Spread the word about climate change and sustainable practices. 3. Volunteer: Join our initiatives and make a tangible impact. 4. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Commit to sustainable living practices every day. Together, we can restore our earth and secure a sustainable future for generations to come. 💪💚 Follow us for updates and get involved: 📱 Facebook: @yicasalone 📱 Twitter: @yicasalone 📱 Instagram: @yicasalone Let’s take action, Sierra Leone! 🌟 #WorldEnvironmentDay #RestoreOurEarth #ClimateAction #YICASL #SustainableFuture #YouthForClimate #SierraLeone
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The Golden Asset for a Greener Tomorrow! 🌍 Save Earth Mission's initiatives are not just about preserving nature but also about building sustainable revenue streams for community growth. Together, let's create a future where progress and the planet thrive side by side. 💚 #SaveEarthMission #SustainableFuture #PlanetFirst
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Our planet is in crisis, and much of the damage can be traced back to a mindset of entitlement and exploitation. For too long, a minority has taken from the earth without considering the long-term consequences. But it doesn’t have to be this way. By learning from Indigenous communities who have lived sustainably for centuries, we can adopt practices that prioritize the well-being of our planet and future generations. #Sustainability #IndigenousWisdom #ClimateChange
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