🌍 A Vote Across the Sea 🌍
You may be far, across the globe,
Where foreign lands feel like your home,
But even from this distant shore,
Your voice can still unlock the door.
The ballots call, the choice is clear,
Though you're an expat far from here.
Your vote, it matters, just as much—
A nation's future in your touch.
From mountaintops or city streets,
To every ocean’s rhythmic beat,
America awaits your say—
You shape tomorrow, come what may.
So take a moment, cast your vote,
From distant lands or boats afloat,
No matter where life’s journey leads,
Your voice is what democracy needs.
Let’s make sure every vote is heard—
From sea to sea, spread the word.
Because even from abroad, you see,
We shape a nation’s destiny. 🇺🇸
Learn how to vote from abroad from any of these organizations:
#VoteFromAbroad #EveryVoteCounts #USExpat #Election2024 #YourVoiceMatters Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) Vote from Abroad Overseas Vote Foundation