Jose Velez’s Post

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📢 [#ADA Implications] A recent lawsuit serves as a grim reminder of the critical importance of ADA protections. Imagine forgetting to water a plant, a necessity for its survival. The outcome is inevitable: it withers. Now replace the plant with a human, and water with insulin. Sounds unthinkable, right? This is the tragic reality for a man with type 1 diabetes in a Philadelphia jail. His life-necessity, insulin, was allegedly neglected, leading to his untimely demise. This case is a potential violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - a law akin to a lifebelt for individuals with disabilities, providing them much-needed protection and respect. As an ADA attorney, it's our duty to ensure this lifebelt is always available and functional. Everyone, irrespective of their circumstances, deserves this protection. Whether you're sailing in calm or turbulent waters, your right to the lifebelt remains unchanged. Remember: Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Let's continue to uphold the rights of all individuals under the ADA and insist on accountability at all levels. Because anyone without their necessary sustenance, like a plant without water, stands a lesser chance at survival. #ADA #Justice #CivilRights Link to the story: [Philadelphia Jail Deprives Man of Insulin Resulting in Death](

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