*PHANEROO~DEVOTION* Wednesday, 26th June 2024 Apostle Grace Lubega *Matthew 7:16-17 (KJV):* Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. *OUR FRUIT* Oftentimes, when we read or hear this scripture, it is in terms of morals and Christian conduct. While good moral behavior is important, it is not the only fruit by which Christ's own are known. In fact, when it comes to morals, even an atheist or nonbeliever can be morally upright. That does not mean they are a part of Christ's fold. When a child of God demonstrates the Spirit through the performance of miracles, that too is fruit! When you see a Christian minister grow in his ministry and win thousands of souls into the Kingdom, that too is fruit! When Christians grow in influence over the systems of this world, that too is fruit. We should not narrowly interpret our theme scripture by using only good character or the lack of it to judge saints. God's definition of fruit is much broader than you think. Hallelujah! *FURTHER STUDY:* Galatians 5:22-23; Colossians 1:10 *GOLDEN NUGGET:* When you see a Christian minister grow in his ministry and win thousands of souls into the Kingdom, that too is fruit! When Christians grow in influence over the systems of this world, that too is fruit. *PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank You for this word. Jesus, You are the vine and I am a branch. I bear good fruit because I abide in You. My fruit manifests in diverse ways because the Spirit to whom I am yielded is not limited, in Jesus’ name, Amen. https://lnkd.in/gyrG9DGs *#PhanerooDevotion📜*
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*PHANEROO~DEVOTION* Tuesday, 8th October 2024 Apostle Grace Lubega *2 Corinthians 10:13(KJV):* But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you. *OF KNOWING YOUR MEASURE* There are people in life who labour under ignorant confidence. I am certain you have met people who are very sure about their abilities, to the puzzlement of those around them who tend to see (quite rightly) otherwise. Such individuals may apply themselves to tasks with no qualification be it physical, emotional or intellectual until their hubris catches up with them. Our theme scripture warns against this. You should know your measure and have a right estimate of yourself, judging this through the eyes of truth. In the Christian walk, the danger of not knowing your measure is that you may miss out on spiritual impartations because you feel too high and mighty to get involved in some ‘lowly’ activities or associate with some individuals who do not fit in your highly exalted calibre. There are believers who cannot be seen to speak or associate with some believers or ministers. Though these men or women might be too beneath your exalted station, they may be who you need for the next level of your spiritual elevation. Ask the Lord to show you where you stand in Him, may He help you understand your ranking in the spirit and may He reveal to you the people you need to be elevated into greater places and graces. Hallelujah! *FURTHER STUDY:* Romans 12:6, James 4:6 *GOLDEN NUGGET:* Ask the Lord to show you where you stand in Him, may He help you understand your ranking in the spirit and may He reveal to you the people you need to be elevated into greater places and graces. *PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank You for this truth. By this word, You open my eyes to see my place, not as a way to feel less but to understand what I need and what I must do to grow in You. Humble me daily that I may not miss what is mine through pride because it came packaged in ways I did not expect, in Jesus’ name, Amen. bit.ly/DoNotBeDistracted *#PhanerooDevotion📜*
Don't Be Distracted | Phaneroo Sunday Service 317 | Apostle Grace Lubega
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*PHANEROO~DEVOTION* Wednesday, 4th September 2024 Apostle Grace Lubega *Isaiah 1:3(KJV):* The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. *OF BEING PLANTED* In our theme scripture, the Bible speaks of an ox that knows its owner and its master’s crib. The word for crib here is ebus, which is translated to mean a feeding trough. This animal is aware of where it must eat. This is not the case with some Christians today. They do not know where God has planted them, to feed and be established. Show me a Christian who hops from church to church, prophet to prophet, and minister to minister, and I will show you a man or woman who does not know God. It does not matter how prayerful a believer is. If he cannot settle in a ministry, he does not know God. One of the reasons this is so is because one cannot grow like they ought if the seed in their spirit is mixed. Such a one will attend one church in which the minister will plant the right seed, and the next week, he will attend another where another minister is uprooting what was planted. How can such a plant ever grow? The importance of settling in one ministry cannot be overemphasised. The need to filter the sources of your spiritual nourishment cannot be overstated. Only those who are planted flourish in the courts of God. It is only them that grow and increase in the knowledge of Him. Hallelujah! *FURTHER STUDY:* Psalm 92:13; Leviticus 19:19 *GOLDEN NUGGET:* Only those who are planted flourish in the courts of God. It is only them that grow and increase in the knowledge of Him. *PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank You for this truth. Thank You for the purity of the Word that You have made available to me. The Bible instructs us not to plough our fields with mingled seed. I live daily by this instruction, knowing my source and the voice of my shepherd, in Jesus’ name, Amen. https://lnkd.in/g8aKErEk *#PhanerooDevotion📜*
Cultivating A Prudent Spirit | Phaneroo Sunday Service 312 | Apostle Grace Lubega
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*PHANEROO~DEVOTION* Thursday, 3rd October 2024 Apostle Grace Lubega *Mark 4:12 (KJV):* That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. *THE TEMPLATE OF CONVERSION* All conversion requires seeing, hearing and understanding. Delays in breakthroughs are grounded in the failure of these spiritual faculties. If you have been struggling with some malady that seems incurable or find yourself in a vicious cycle of one form of struggle you must ask God, with all candour, ‘What have I failed to hear, what am I not seeing? What have I not understood?’ I must also add that it is the zenith of spiritual irresponsibility when we do not seek God for His opinion on the persistent and recurrent issues in our lives, burying our heads in the sand in the vain hope that they will eventually disappear. It is hopeless to default to self blame or laying the cause of your troubles at the door of anyone around you or accusing the world of not devoting more time to making you happier. Flash that torch inwards and ask the Master what it is you must hear from Him, what you must see through the lens of divine vision and what you must understand. The assurance in our theme scripture is that once you see what you need to see, hear what you must hear and receive understaning, you will be converted– the answer will come. Hallelujah! *FURTHER STUDY:* Isaiah 6:9-10; John 5:25 *GOLDEN NUGGET:* All conversion requires seeing, hearing and understanding. Delays in breakthroughs are grounded in the failure of these spiritual faculties. *PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank You for this truth. Thank You for the revelation that is planted in my spirit this day. The eyes of my understanding are flooded with light and I see from the right vantage point what I must see. My hearing is sharpened and I hear Your voice with the clarity that distinguishes all sounds. Your Word says that You have given me understanding. I walk in its fullness daily, in Jesus’ name, Amen. bit.ly/ThePowerOfAGoodName *#PhanerooDevotion📜*
The Power Of A Good Name | Phaneroo Sunday Service 316 | Apostle Grace Lubega
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*PHANEROO~DEVOTION* Apostle Grace Lubega Thursday, 21st November 2024 *Hebrews 9:3-4 (KJV):* And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant. *HOW TO CONDUCT YOURSELF IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD V* In our recent devotions, we have been studying the consecrated items in the ark of the covenant. Today, we look at the third item: the tables of the covenant. These tables represent divine instructions. How you handle God’s instructions determines whether you thrive or struggle in His presence. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 reminds us that the words received from the pulpit should not be regarded as merely human but as the Word of God. How do you treat this word when it comes to you? Do you leave it behind at the altar, or do you take time to delve deeper, allowing God to build His counsel within you? Consider also the personal instructions given to you by God—whether through dreams, visions, or His prophets. Have you treated them with honor? Have you sought Him for deeper insight, or did you dismiss that dream as merely a product of a busy mind? Proverbs 6:23 tells us that “the reproofs of instruction are the way of life.” Listening and heeding His guidance will keep you alive in His presence. Praise Him! *FURTHER STUDY:* Proverbs 6:23; John 6:63 *GOLDEN NUGGET:* How you handle God’s instructions defines whether you thrive or struggle in His presence. *PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank You for this word. Your Word brings light and gives understanding to the simple. I receive Your instructions with joy, knowing their power. May I never be indifferent to Your voice, for it guides me in the paths of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen. https://lnkd.in/g4-_XB-F *#PhanerooDevotion📜*
The Most Dangerous Confession | Phaneroo Sunday Service 323 | Apostle Grace Lubega
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*PHANEROO~DEVOTION* Wednesday, 6th November 2024 Apostle Grace Lubega *Hebrews 6:18 (KJV):* That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us. *OF GOD’S FAITHFULNESS* We live in a world filled with deception. It isn’t limited to the lies people may tell each other but includes what the enemy has led people to believe as reality, even when it contradicts God’s truth. Our theme scripture assures us that it is impossible for God to lie. For example, when He said, "By His stripes, you were healed" (1 Peter 2:24), it doesn’t matter what kind of illness is in your body—God’s word about your health stands true. You must make a choice: whom will you believe in the face of your circumstances? Will it be God, who promised to satisfy you with long life (Psalm 91:16), or a doctor who has given you only a few weeks to live? Romans 3:4 tells us, “Let God be true, and every man a liar.” The same assurance is given in Titus 1:2: God *never* lies. When the Lord made promises about your ministry, marriage, children, and destiny, each one was grounded in unshakable truth because He cannot lie. He means every word He says. Today, choose to believe Him and take Him at His Word. Hallelujah! *FURTHER STUDY:* Romans 3:4; Titus 1:2 *GOLDEN NUGGET:* When the Lord made promises about your ministry, marriage, children, and destiny, each one was grounded in unshakable truth because He cannot lie. He means everything He says. *PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank You for Your Word. I believe everything You say because You are truthful in all Your ways. It is so sweet to trust in You because You have shown Your love over and over again. I choose to lean on Your everlasting arms all the days of my life. Amen. https://lnkd.in/gDuVrRmi *#PhanerooDevotion📜*
Strong Enough For The Storm | Phaneroo Sunday Service 321 | Apostle Grace Lubega
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*PHANEROO~DEVOTION* Apostle Grace Lubega Tuesday, 19th November 2024 *Hebrews 9:3-4 (KJV):* And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant. *HOW TO CONDUCT YOURSELF IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD III* In the previous devotion, we discussed that the pot of manna in the ark of the covenant represents God’s free provisions. Today, we emphasize another aspect of these provisions—the gifts and callings that have been freely given to you by God. Have you used your gift as a tool for manipulation? For example, if you have the gift of healing, do the sick need to pay you to access what God has freely given you? If you have the gift of prophecy, must one pay for the oracles of God on your lips? The Apostle Paul instructed in 1 Corinthians 9:18, “What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel.” Jesus also taught in Matthew 10:8, “Freely you have received, freely give.” Ministries, destinies, and mantles have been lost because some did not handle what was freely given to them properly. May this never be your story. *FURTHER STUDY:* Matthew 10:8; 1 Corinthians 9:18 *GOLDEN NUGGET:* Ministries, destinies, and mantles have been lost because some people did not handle what was freely given to them properly. May this never be your story. *PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank You for this word. I receive it with humility, knowing it is one of the protocols of Your presence. May I never place a price on what You have given me to benefit others. As I bless multitudes with my gifts, I trust that my reward comes only from You. In Jesus’ name, Amen. https://lnkd.in/g4-_XB-F *#PhanerooDevotion📜*
The Most Dangerous Confession | Phaneroo Sunday Service 323 | Apostle Grace Lubega
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*PHANEROO~DEVOTION* Wednesday, 21st August 2024 Apostle Grace Lubega *Ecclesiastes 7:9 (KJV):* Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. *THE WISDOM TO DEAL WITH ANGER I* How a man responds when angered reveals whether such a one has an unstable spirit or not. If you are the kind who gets ticked off easily or when annoyed acts with the malice of a poorly socialized toddler throwing a temper tantrum, you need to reflect on the truth in this devotion more deeply. Every Christian must know how to deal with anger because we live in a world full of opportunities for offense. In Luke 17:1, Jesus tells his disciples that it is impossible but that offenses will come. What do you do when vexed? Do you breed resentment like people whose hearts have become the prison walls of the many people who disappointed them? Our theme scripture teaches us that anyone who hangs on to anger has a foolish spirit. What this means is that it is only a matter of time, they will do something that will cause those around them to question their sanity. You must have the wisdom of letting go easily and quickly–learn it, child of God. Hallelujah! *FURTHER STUDY:* Ephesians 4:26; Psalm 4:4 *GOLDEN NUGGET:* You must have the wisdom of letting go of offense, easily and quickly–learn it, child of God. *PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank You for this truth. I have the wisdom to tame my emotions because I have a ruled spirit. I do not cling to offense because I know that I have been forgiven many things by You and it is this same grace I extend to those around me, in Jesus' name, Amen. https://lnkd.in/gPr5dguT *#PhanerooDevotion📜*
The Principle Of Honour | Phaneroo Sunday Service 310 | Apostle Grace Lubega
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*PHANEROO~DEVOTION* Saturday, 17th August 2024 Apostle Grace Lubega *Proverbs 29:11 (ESV):* A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back. *TAME YOUR TONGUE* Some people have no filter. They say everything that comes to mind the moment it does. That is a sign of an unbalanced spirit. Unfortunately, there seem to be many justifications for this kind of behavior. Some are based on tribal or national traits with the claim that those from a certain part of the world are like that and say things the way they are. All things must be done with wisdom. Indeed, it is important and commendable to call a spade a spade but there are places and situations where you need to call it a big spoon. I know people who have spoken themselves out of their destinies because they do not understand this truth. They talked themselves out of their jobs, important relationships, and even out of ministries. Sometimes, no matter how pressing the need to make your opinion or disagreement known, it will cost you less if you keep your peace because silence can prove to be the better part of valor. You do not have to be heard all the time! Hallelujah! *FURTHER STUDY:* Proverbs 12:16; Proverbs 25:28 *GOLDEN NUGGET:* Sometimes, no matter how pressing the need to make your opinion or disagreement known, it will cost you less if you keep your peace because silence can prove to be the better part of valor. *PRAYER:* Loving Father, I thank You for this word. The Spirit I have received is of self-control. My lips are tamed and the wisdom to know when to speak and how to speak works mightily through me. The communication of my mouth is always seasoned with grace and with my tongue, I offend no man, in Jesus' name, Amen. https://lnkd.in/gjZ5YEcQ *#PhanerooDevotion📜*
The Language Of The Spirit | Phaneroo Service 499 | Apostle Grace Lubega
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PHANEROO~DEVOTION Sunday, 30th June 2024 Apostle Grace Lubega 1 Corinthians 14:40 (KJV):Let all things be done decently and in order. THE ORDER OF THINGS When some people read our theme scripture, they look at it in the context of order in service only. It is interpreted in the sense of the program for a church service: praise and worship, announcements, and the preaching of the Word. However, there is more to it than that! The language of the scripture is ‘let ALL things be done decently and in order.’ There is an order to spiritual things, the realm of the spirit, and even to life in general. For example, how do you treat a minister who is higher in spiritual rank than yourself? How do you respond to your leaders when they offend you? In Ecclesiastes 10:4, the Bible says, “If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for yielding pacifieth great offences.” How do you treat the elderly? The order is laid out in 1 Timothy 5:2. The Bible says we ought to treat the elderly women as mothers. How do you treat the less privileged person on the street? There is an order to that too. In Hebrews 13:2, the order requires that you “be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Some frustrations in life are born out of abusing this order. Maturity in the Christian walk demands that you understand the protocol of life and the spirit. Hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY:Hebrews 13:2; 1 Timothy 5:2 GOLDEN NUGGET:There is an order to spiritual things, the realm of the spirit, and even to life in general. Some frustrations in life are born out of abusing this order. PRAYER: Loving Father, I thank You for this truth. Thank You for wisdom that points me to how I must live my life and keep from the paths of error. I do not breach spiritual protocol because my spirit has been tamed to understand how I treat every person I encounter and who crosses my path, in Jesus’ name, Amen. https://lnkd.in/dejy_RF2 #PhanerooDevotion📜
The Spirit Of Deliverance | Phaneroo Service 492 | Apostle Grace Lubega
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1 Thessalonians 5:16 | Rejoice Always by Glory Be To God 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - Rejoice Always | Bible Verse Shorts Tags: Bible verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:16, rejoice always, Christian faith, inspirational quotes, spiritual encouragement Hashtags: #BibleVerse #1Thessalonians516 #RejoiceAlways #FaithInspiration #Christianity #Bible #BibleVerse #1Thessalonians #Rejoice #Joy #Christian #Faith #Hope #Love #1Thessalonians516 #RejoiceAlways #BibleVerseShort #FaithInspiration Description: Welcome to our latest Bible Verse Shorts featuring 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - "Rejoice always." In this short but powerful video, we delve into the significance of finding joy in every moment of our lives, no matter the circumstances. This verse serves as a reminder to stay positive and grateful for all the blessings we have received. Key Points: - Discover the importance of rejoicing always in the eyes of God - Learn how to maintain a joyful spirit amidst challenges and trials - Find inspiration and motivation to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life through this powerful Bible verse Call to Action: Join us on this journey of faith and positivity by hitting the like button, subscribing to our channel for more uplifting content, and sharing this video with your friends and family. Let's spread joy and love together! #SpreadJoy #ShareLove Reflect on 1 Thessalonians 5:16: "Rejoice always." This Scripture Reflection reminds us of the exhortation to maintain a spirit of joyfulness in all circumstances. As we meditate on these words, let us embrace the mindset of rejoicing continually, knowing that our joy is found in the Lord and is not dependent on external circumstances. Join us in cultivating a heart of gratitude and celebration, even amidst life's challenges, as we trust in the faithfulness of God. Subscribe for weekly reflections and inspiration. 📖🌟 In this short video, we'll take a look at 1 Thessalonians 5:16, which says, "Rejoice always." What does it mean to rejoice always? Why is it important for Christians to be joyful? We'll explore these questions and more in this video. We'll also talk about some practical ways to apply this verse to our lives. How can we rejoice even when we're going through tough times? How can we help others to rejoice? Join us as we learn more about the importance of joy in the Christian life. via YouTube https://lnkd.in/ec8h3Hm7
1 Thessalonians 5:16 | Rejoice Always
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