Money to money, success to success, and Nobels to Nobels
702 out of 736 Nobel laureates turned out to be members of the same academic family.
It's hard to believe, but according to Nature, 95% of Nobel laureates (702 out of 736) belong to one huge network structure reflecting their academic pedigree (it is understood here in a broad sense - as "mentoring" of one scientist over another, usually in the form of one or another scientific leadership)
Only 32 Nobelites (shown in the figure to the left of the giant tangle), who do not belong to this academic pedigree, somehow miraculously made it to the Nobelites, bypassing this either lodge or order.
There are 33 generations of Nobeliates in the giant network tangle.
Their "academic genealogical tree" goes back to one ancestor, Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536).
From him began a system of semi-structured leadership in which one person shares his knowledge, skills, connections and experience to help another advance in an academic career, in the limit leading to a Nobel Prize.
That's just the way it is!
Careers are not made by talent and hard work, but by connections and prestige!
"The Science of Success.
This new science, which emerged in the 21st century and combines the "science of complex networks" (biological, man-made, infrastructure, social, etc.) with the "science of big data," has already been able to experimentally substantiate many wisdoms, from biblical to folk wisdom.
These include:
- "The Matthew Effect" (the rich get even richer and the poor get even poorer)
- The "General's Son Effect" (why can't a major's son become a general? - Because a general has a son of his own)
- The "successful career effect" (it doesn't matter how good your business plan is, it doesn't matter what you know, it matters who you know).
As for the emergence of superstars (in art, politics, science, etc.)
Here's what can be said about it:
1 where do superstars come from?
2 what brings them to the top?
3 what is the most important thing about their elite careers?
4. where do different personalities come from, from pedophiles like Epstein, P.Diddy, to super geniuses like Elon Musk and so on.
They all spend time in the same places and in the same companies.
"The answers to the 3 main questions are united by one key word - mentorship, or friendship.
1 Mentorship plays a crucial role in the rise of super megastars.
2 It is the results of mentoring that elevate the elite to the top.
3 The most important thing about the elite careers of future supermegastars is not talent or even just luck.
It's very specific luck - luck with a mentor.
Being at white parties and private Caribbean islands.
That's how your supermegastars are born - through the mentoring process!
And now, after being published in Nature, the "Mentor Effect" can be considered experimentally confirmed in the "science of success" as well.
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Civil Engineer looking for new opportunities
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