Karl Raoul Bensel’s Post

Evaluating the Effect of the Latest EU Instant Payments Agreement on Businesses In Europe, the current methods for immediate payments are not unified. The new legislation could unlock massive efficiencies through unified, transparent protocols for instant payments across Europe. Only 11% of euro transfers in Europe utilise instant payment schemes and just 14% of total transfer value uses the system. Sepa Instant Credit Transfers in less than 10 seconds for amounts up to €100,000 between authorised entities explains the slow adoption of SCT-Inst. This limit is often too low for many treasury transfers. 56% of Europe´s 5,500 PSPs have registered for SCT-Inst, with just 14% of total transfer value using this scheme. The EU`s latest legislation is a positive step towards the advancement of immediate, reliable, and effortless transactions. The key for banks and corporates is to engage with the right partners to extract full value from the coming legislation!

Evaluating the Effect of the Latest EU Instant Payments Agreement on Businesses - The Global Treasurer

Evaluating the Effect of the Latest EU Instant Payments Agreement on Businesses - The Global Treasurer

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