How did you feel going back to work today after the Bank Holiday? Maybe you had a healthy amount of reluctance even if you quite like your job and the people you work with. Perhaps, however, you felt a real knot in your stomach at the thought of going into work ( I know I used to feel this in my old career) - your gut feeling may be an indicator that your workplace isn't one of psychologically safety - i.e you can't be free to be yourself or make mistakes without high levels of criticism. This HBR article gives a really good definition of psychological safety or 'felt permission for candour' in short. I think psychological safety is like empathy - Someone can't tell you they are being empathic it has to be FELT by the other person. In the same way, a business can't really promote themselves as psychologically safe - it has to be felt by the people in it, plus, as the article says, it's not just a series of tick boxes or a set formula ( although there are criteria that can be met) -it's more nuanced than that, there is a kind of essence to it. If you're unsure about your own work culture - I urge you to answer the 7 questions as honestly and fairly as you can. A next step might be to think about what you'd propose to the organisation if you could to make it feel more psychologically safe. Then start having some conversations with your line manager or HR. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
I completely agree. Psychological safety is so important in a work environment and something that needs to be felt by a team.
Head of Drama
10moI totally believe this is the root of happiness at work. I am so lucky to work in a school that I feel totally safe. Its so rare in education and that is such a concern within the education sector and why so many leave the profession. Kate Hogan massively helped me with some coaching to help me visualise my future clearly. Another great article, thanks Kate.