We need to speed up the energy transition that is underway. Sandra James highlights the need to secure the right talent to support this transition as one of the major challenges. “AEMO estimates energy sector demand from workers will approximately double to 60,000 people out to 2050, across all disciplines. At the same time, Deloitte Access Economics estimates 26 per cent of Australia’s workforce are employed in industries vulnerable to disruption as the transition accelerates. This means government and industry must work together to proactively identify current and emerging skill gaps in the sector and then fill them through a combination of retrained workers from disrupted industries, pipelines of graduates and upskilled workers from universities and the VET sector, and highly skilled international talent.” Sandra James Struan Buchanan Steve Warren Amanda Flouch Artie Gindidis The Australian Financial Review #afrenergyclimatesummit
The energy transition is not progressing at the pace required to match the scale of the transformation - often compared to a second industrial revolution. The next step is clear: we must accelerate the approval process for critical energy projects to prevent progress from stalling. But how do we do this without compromising market integrity? And how can we advance quickly amidst the challenges we face? In our AFR Industry Insights piece, Sandra James, outlines a new playbook to overcoming these obstacles: https://deloi.tt/3YlmHlE #AFREnergyClimateSummit #Energy #Sustainability