Who are the women around you, who are changing your world, changing the community around them or changing The world??? When their names come to mind take one more step and click the link below to nominate them for Women Changing The World Awards. Only 5 days left to nominate.
Through shared dreams and collective efforts, women pave paths of progress, inspiring generations to come. In the symphony of women's successes, every note is harmonised by the bonds of sisterhood, echoing resilience, determination and the limitless potential of women working hand in hand. Together, women rewrite narratives, redefine possibilities and craft a future where every woman's achievement is celebrated as a victory for all. Nominate women changemakers today by visiting wcwawards.com! ✨ #wcwawards #wcwawards2024 #womenchangingtheworld #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #changemakers
Publisher, TEDx speaker, Author, Cofounder WCW Awards, Women's Business School, AusMumpreneur & WCW Press. Chair of Tererai Trent International
10moThank you so much for sharing Kellie ♥️♥️♥️