Kelly Bundy’s Post

View profile for Kelly Bundy

Construction Lawyer and DEI Strategist

Check out my interview with Nicholas Siegfried to learn more about Division 4, how to get involved in the Forum, and the various initiatives we're tackling on the Membership and Diversity & Inclusion Committees. Come join us in Division 4 to learn more about all of the cutting edge developments in the legal and construction industries. We tackle the most emerging and challenging issues - including the capabilities and development of AI and how emerging technologies will impact how we work and mentor and train our new associates. #division4 #abafcldivision4 #delivermorewithdivision4 #projectdelivery #technology #projectdeliveryandtech #ai #artificialintelligence #aba #abafcl #forumonconstructionlaw #constructionlaw #constructionlawyer #construction #abafcldei #diversity #equity #inclusion #dei #membership #connection #buildingthebestlawyers #mentorship #training #cle

View profile for Nicholas Siegfried

Shareholder at Siegfried Rivera

If you're looking to grow your knowledge and expand your practice in the field of #ConstructionLaw, look no further than the ABA Forum on Construction Law! With 14 divisions to choose from, there's something for everyone. Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with Kelly Bundy, Chair of Division 4, Project Delivery and Construction Technology, at the ABA Forum on Construction Law Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The Forum is a great way to network with professionals and learn from experts in the field. #construction

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