🌿80% of kelp forests off the coast of Oregon are gone. What can we do about it? According to a recent report from The Oregon Kelp Alliance, Oregon's kelp forests have been facing rapid decline over the past decade. Efforts like the Alliance's show us there is a way forward in combating this issue. Their report, outlining the state of kelp forests in the area, efforts to restore it, and the work yet to be done, shows us that by sharing knowledge and taking action to support kelp forest restoration, we can help this valuable ecosystem recover. Your support in making it happen is essential. 🌿At the Kelp Forest Foundation, we believe in the power of open science and collaboration to support and restore these incredible underwater forests. Join us in supporting this vital mission by becoming a donor today. 🌊💚 Article: OPB - New report shows how Oregon’s kelp forests have dwindled. Katie Frankowicz #unlockingthepowerofkelp #oceanhealth #research #kelp #biodiversity #actnow #climate #oceans