Dear, anyone starting out in the Media Industry that thinks being a runner is the only way in. BREAKING NEWS: It's not. I have never once done a runner job and I've had 4 jobs in the Media Industry, I'm now a successful Social Media Account Manager for a long-running Social Media Agency - and I have never been a runner. My partner is another example, no runner jobs and he is a highly skilled videographer for what was once a Premier League football club. Yes, it's a GREAT way to put your foot in the door. A GREAT way to ask questions to the right people. And a GREAT way to get experience. But it is NOT the way it HAS to be. Running is not for me, and as much as my University lecturers told me it was the way to go, I stood my ground. I put my foot in the door by getting experience, and that experience led me to more experience, and more networking. Ask to shadow, ask to spend a day in someone's office, or even just message a few people on LinkedIn for tips and tricks. All of that led me to where I am right now. It doesn't always have to be the way someone else sets the scene for you. You do you, and remember that EVERY SINGLE path is different. Follow your path, not the path others tell you to.
Kira Hayward’s Post
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Advertising people mostly hang around with advertising people. Nothing wrong with that. But, over the years I have found that hanging around with people from other walks of life helps as well. One, it helps you get out of sameness. Two, it helps open you to other points of view, other ways of working as well. Through my career I have encouraged my colleagues, especially juniors, to widen their horizons. It helps if you pick up a hobby; could be anything from cycling to rock climbing to whatever else you fancy. My escape ranged from doing radio, playing cricket, theatre, and, writing. Keeps one fresh. And freshness of ideas helps you increase your value in a creative business. #adagency #advertising #advertisingpeople #advertisingprofessionals
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The boy on the left, the girl on the right, and a well-timed LinkedIn message are the reason I’ve had the absolute privilege of working on Partnership social media for the Australian Open this year. Let’s start with Sarah Maree Cameron – my long-time friend, and all-round powerhouse. Radio host. Commentator. TV presenter. Travel writer. MC. Australian Open regular. Jill of all trades, truly. Sarah Maree has been working her magic at the AO for a few years now. Then there’s Justin Visser (left) – social media manager for Tennis Australia and an absolute weapon. Clever? Tick. Talented? Absolutely. Tennis knowledge? Encyclopaedic. And he’s not just great at what he does – he’s a genuinely great human too. And put him in a Green M&M suit and the boy can dance too! Here’s how it happened: Sarah knew of Justin. I knew Sarah. I also knew that opportunities in business don’t fall out of the sky and into your lap (wouldn’t that be nice though?). So, I got proactive, sent Justin a message asking about social media opportunities on LinkedIn, and… well, the rest is history. This post isn’t just a “thank you” (although Justin, you’re a legend – thanks for trusting me and giving me the chance to showcase what I do best). It’s also a nudge to you. If you’re sitting around waiting for opportunities to knock, can I kindly suggest you stop that? Go. Knock on their door. Ring that freaking doorbell over and over. Reach out. Slide into the DMs. Send the email. Worst-case scenario? They say no, and you’re in the exact same spot you’re in now. Best-case scenario? You end up working at the Australian Open (or whatever your dream gig looks like). Opportunities don’t usually land in your lap, but they’re often just a message away. So, what are you waiting for? #socialmediamelbourne #contentcreatormelbourne #melbourneevents
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👀 I’m PISSED OFF… 🤪Ok, actually Im not. But, it’s ok if you are especially because it’s National Have a Bad Day. 🧐Yes, it’s a thing. 📲In life, and certainly on social media, we all pretend that we’re happy all the time. Smiles, achievements, and virtually no SETBCKS. But, let’s be honest. Nobody lives like that. NOBODY! 😤So, it’s perfectly normal get annoyed at stuff… 🚮But, it’s just as important to not be mired in it. You evaluate it, learn from it, throw it in the garbage, and move on. 🔨There’s a reason RAGE ROOMS exist haha. Turn the negative into a positive. #commercialproduction #radioimaging #creativedirector #creativeproducer #advertising #marketing #elearning #elearningdevelopment #marketingagency #narration #marketingexecutive #castingdirector #creativeservices #commercialdirector #radioadvertising #radiomarketing #casting #audioengineer #accountexecutive
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Getting stuff done and sorting sh.t out have always been my trademark qualities throughout my career - that's what I am good at! I am a corporate type who negotiates large deals, works on M&A projects and optimises sales processes. When I decided to launch a little tennis balls subscription business (which was always meant to be a side hustle), I was thinking it was easy-peasy. I have coped well with 'normal tasks' like setting up my supply chain, developing a brand and website, organising logistics, etc. However, the making of this promotional video has been one of the most stressful jobs I have ever done. My task list included: ✔ Source a videographer and video editor (where do they find them??) ✔ Find actors (thank goodness I have friends!) ✔ Find a filming location and get their approval ✔ Organise props ✔ Find a guy on a bike... this one was driving me nuts! ✔ Spend 5 hours on a cold wet court filming this video. Finally, with all that behind me, I am pleased to have launched my little tennis business, check out #businessandmanagement #ceo #leadership #sustainability
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The HOW TO BE A CREATIVE DIRECTOR WITHOUT SUCKING AT IT Course starts in 4 days on June 26th. There's one spot left. So, if you'd like to learn how to avoid sucking in this role, here's your chance to learn from someone who has been a creative leader for over 20 years across three continents. I've lived and breathed the ups and downs of this job and still love it. I want more people to succeed in this role and keep loving it...and not suck at it. Details are in the carousel below. #creativedirector #creativecoach #advertising #creativity #creativecareers
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In the Freestyle Manifesto, one of the things Julie Eckersley and I center is a new role: The Community Manager. The value of this role is that *every production* would have a dedicated person (or team) who’s primary/sole responsibility is audience engagement in the new media online ecosystem. I was chatting with a dear friend and director/producer in the UK earlier today who was talking about how the online world is just so effing intimidating, and how the implementation of a Community Manager would make her work as an indie feature film director/producer so much easier, cause she could just focus on her area of expertise (and passion) while trusting that her films weren’t gonna just become some obsolete piece of ‘content’ in the mass new media market. That sense of intimidation is what drives a lot of negative gut reaction re: the new media world. We get it. And this is why the Community Manager role is such a helpful introduction into our production strategies. They can do so much of the heavy marketing lifting, so directors and producers of traditional long form storycraft can do what they do best.
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Working in media is like joining a circus, they said. They didn’t mention you'd be the one juggling deadlines while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. Sure, it's fun—if your idea of fun involves super late work hours, grinding until you question your life choices, and producing content that the audience might skip faster than a YouTube ad. But hey, it's not all doom and gloom. Let's talk about the perks. There's something oddly satisfying about making an artist cry on cue or nailing that perfect shot on the first take. It’s like magic, but with more caffeine and fewer wands. Of course, the real magic? The people you work with. It's these folks who make you drag yourself out of bed after a three-hour nap and face another day in the madhouse. Their quirks, their insanity, and their shared suffering are what truly make it all worthwhile. So, next time someone says working in media is a dream, remember: it's the kind where you show up to work in your pajamas and forget all your lines. And you know what? We wouldn’t have it any other way. #videoproduction #digitalmarketing #team
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My first day as a social media manager!!! You can guess what first days always feels like right.. I got to the venue feeling all self motivated, didn’t know exactly what to do right, I wasn’t sure sure what niche to focus on. I wanted making comedies, wanted advertising, wanted teaching people on the importance of having a good interior or should I just say ”come and buy your curtains and other interior materials??”🤣 I was so so excited yet confused on what to do and how to start. I took some pictures and made simple videos and left. What captions would I use when talking about the videos, I didn’t know anyone literally who was a social media manager, I would have cried begging for help.There was alot of confusing from what I learnt online,and it didn’t make it easier. It’s one thing to know ooo It’s another thing to do it. I am currently two months in social media management and I have grown so so much in it, still learning and growing at my own pace. So, I am saying this, It’s okay to feel the way you feel starting out that job, business or course. It gets easier with time. Don’t over pressure yourself. Because he wasn’t joking when he said, “All things are working for your good” #Beginnersocialmediamanager #Contoria
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No doubt life is wonderful! 4 years before now, I had no idea where will I head my company and what will do of so much experience that I multiple fields. But now, I get sponsored trips, 3star stays, great food and even get paid (just for talking) But I would like to throw light on what’s most important - - Believing in what you love! - Channelising your circle and with whom you hangout! - Making your team/friends/family proud of you everyday! Rest, you learn everything with time! #digitalmarketingcoach #digitalmarketer #businessinfluencer
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