Please share and consider sending in an abstract to this interesting call for papers on business, human rights and environmental research
📢 ⚖ 🌱 Delighted to open a call for contributions for our edited collection 'Beyond Boundaries: Thinking Through Empirical Research Approaches to Business, Human Rights and the Environment' with Springer. 📢 ⚖ 🌱 We would welcome in-depth and critical explorations of the rich methodological journeys taken in research on business, human rights and the environment, including the choices made regarding theory, ethics, data collection and analysis, and the implications of these choices on the research itself and the field more broadly. Deadline for abstracts is 30 September 2024. You can find out more here: Co-edited by Ben Grama, myself, Samentha Goethals and Federica Nieri (Part of the brilliant book series facilitated by Nadia Bernaz, David Birchall and Rachel Chambers)