Check out JGI’s annual meeting! If you’re interested in learning more about JGI’s data and computing resources and how you might use them for an investigation, let me know! We’ll be holding some hands on data inquiry sessions at the meeting. :)
Mark your calendars for the JGI's Annual Genomics of Energy & Environment Meeting, to be held in person at the Walnut Creek Marriott Sept. 30–Oct. 4. Our keynote speakers will be: ➡ Francesca Cotrufo of Colorado State University ➡ Francis Martin of INRAE ➡ Ian Foster of Argonne National Laboratory ➡ Sue Rhee of Michigan State University Stay up to date by checking or signing up for our newsletter at! U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Berkeley Lab Biosciences Area (LBNLBioSci) The Society for Science at User Research Facilities