How Hard 🎾 Tennis Can Be OMG after a 1-hour 🎾 tennis single game with my coach, my Garmin watch said I need 53 hours (over 2 days) to rest up. That's a lot from just tennis! My heart rate was around 132bpm, and the game worked out my aerobic and anaerobic systems equally, both scoring a 3.0. Garmin watches have this cool feature that tells you how long to rest before your next tough workout. Here's why it might be saying I need so much time: 🎾 Intensity My watch looks at my heart rate to see how hard the workout was. A heart rate of 132bpm is pretty norm, which I'm used to that. But why over 2 days resting???? 🎾 Workout Effects Scoring 3.0 for both aerobic (long-duration energy) and anaerobic (short burst energy) shows I worked my body hard. Doing this often makes my body need more time to recover, especially if it's not something I do all the time. 🎾 Breath Breath Breath I sometimes hold my breath when I'm playing, which isn't great. It makes my heart work harder and can make me need more rest. May be I should try to breathe out and shout/yell strongly when I hit the ball just like the pro in the TV. 🎾 My Fitness Level Probably I start to age slowly like a dying turtle? Or the intense morning sun might be impacting my fitness. 🎾 Watch Accuracy My Garmin is smart, but it is not perfect. It uses a lot of data to guess my recovery time, but it might not get everything about me spot on. I should probably listen to it but also pay attention to how I'm feeling and what my body's telling me... NA! 🤪🤪🤪