I always share about how fast we ship new features. And being early stage, shipping new features when you build a big complex product is critical.
However, at least 25% of the features you release are useless or wrongly done.
In our case, the flow to create routes was horrible. In the past, we wanted to launch it fast and we did not think it through too much. The flow was ready fast, but it was just not smartly done.
Reviewing videos from new users I realized that they did not know how to start creating routes. The main thing that Kosmo helps you with is creating routes. And users did not know how to do it! So yep, quite a fuckup.
So we spend some time with Wadii Zaim and Maksim Mikheev to redo the flow with the minimum effort possible. It took 3 days of Wadii's work to get it done and release it.
Now the flow is way cleaner, smooth and new users know how to get started to create routes.
See this 5' video where I show you a comparison on how it was before (what it was wrong, etc.) and how it is now.
Was the first video that we're going to do to show how we cut features somehow to improve and smoothen the flow to create routes that Cosmo. So this video might be a bit longer, but we just want to share how we do product. And how we think we improved the flow to make it easier for new users but also existing users to create route and assign orders to drivers. This is what. What Cosmo was before, so we have the plan page, that's where you can import orders to start creating routes. And as of now, there's no orders found. And then you, as you can see, there's three blue buttons here. So what we saw reviewing videos from users is that they just didn't know where to click. Basically there's a create routes button that potentially we thought should be the first, but it was grayed out because that was. Air conditional to importing orders. First there is create order, this create draft order people didn't know the difference between the two of them and then this import orders right the template, the action where in the same hierarchy category and so it was very, very confusing. Just to clarify create order, it was meant to just create a single order. People didn't know about that, but that that was it and create draft order. It created an order here. To start planning right. So before. I'm going to show you. The users had to import the orders first with the file, so I have a file here. Then they had to select the pickup location. That let's say warehouse test. And then? The orders were imported. But you just didn't know what to do here. This reporters keeping blue calling for attention. But actually you don't need to use any of them. They create rod water, which is the one that you need to use as next step is grayed out because it tells you all select orders first. So we cannot explain, but people are far, they don't have time to read. So the next step was select all the orders. Now you need to know that you need to click this white button. So we're not calling for it. Actually we're calling you here. We have now 4 blue buttons. Trade routes, selected drivers. Let's say continue. And now we're giving you the outcome of the optimization. And then you could just see the orders in the map basically OK. So actually, well, anyways, that's that's, that's not the production account, that's that's just local. So that's something that's an old version of Cosmo. But anyways, you, you, you, you got the point, right? So it was not clear what you had to do. And so, So what we did. And there's a new version of Cosmo. Uh, I'm actually gonna kill all these orders, so we start from zero. OK, disorders. So we're going to start from zero. So now when it's empty. We call you for attention here. Start creating routes. So you can see we killed those two blue buttons that they were useless basically. Now we did create button is a create route and create single order or import file button, right? So it's way more clear. We highlight in blue but we want you to do right. So we killed all the non necessary things and they create route pattern that was here has moved to the right as optimized. And now it's, you cannot do anything with it because there's no orders. But the first step we want you to do is to, to start creating routes when you click here. Actually, we've embedded the import file here because that's the first action. So I'm just going to select the orders. I import it, we as you watch the pickup or start location. Or have text and we're gonna upload the orders. Now as they land here, they are preselected. That's also different than we do, right? Because we assume you've imported this and you wanna do things to this, and we mark in blue. What's the next step, which is optimized right before we didn't. Before there was a white button create routes here, it would have been clear. So you click optimize. We highlight here how many stops will be able to optimize. Before we didn't. And now you select the drivers, let's say these three drivers. And now we, we just kind of optimize. Now we give you the optimization result. And you can just close and see it in the the table or you can just see the route in the in the in the map. And that's it. So basically we simplified the flow quite a bit. Maybe we spend 3 days on this. Now new users are can really start on their own. They don't need help. Before they just needed my help all the time to understand how to create routes. Uh, so it's saving lots of time for onboarding going forward? I hope, I hope that's interesting. I'm happy to discuss our LinkedIn or or Twitter on on, on areas of improvement that you would see also design wise, product wise.
Congratulations on successfully revamping the flow to create routes at Kosmo! It's great to see your dedication to improving user experience and making the process smoother for new users. Keep up the fantastic work!
Building an AI Agent project
7moFail fast is the way. Your speed is telling me I might need to find new devs 😂