Wall Thickness Variations in Molded Parts and the Impact on Freeze-Off www.kruseanalysis.com / www.krusetraining.com / www.molding-expert.com In manufacturing, particularly in injection molding and other molding processes, controlling wall thickness variations is crucial for producing high-quality parts. These variations can significantly impact the finished product's structural integrity and aesthetic quality, potentially leading to product failure or customer dissatisfaction. Additionally, inconsistencies in wall thickness can lead to a phenomenon known as "freeze-off," where parts of the mold solidify prematurely, disrupting the flow of material and affecting the outcome. #injectionmolding, #plasticsindustry, #moldmaking, #molding, #moldingdefects #plasticinjectionmolding, #plastics, #plasticsengineering, #molddesign, #partdesign, #moldex3d, #Spritzguss, #plastics, #plasticinjectionmolding, #plasticsengineering, #partdesign #arburg,#kunststofftechnik #kunststoffe ,#seminar, #kunststoffindustrie, #polymers,#moldmaking, #moulding,#mouldmaking,#mouldmaker
Always love seeing these animations detecting plastic flow.
I guess the assumption is made here that the mold is sufficiently ventilated?
Torsten Kruse your training animations are awesome! 🙂
Provide air vent where required.
this thin flow also facing air entrapment...
I loved this Very nice
Torsten Kruse, All your video's are awesome, very interesting!
8moDoesnt Flow follow walls? This shows fill of an cavity without laminar flow?