Good article about something that comes up a lot in restoration work and removing some invasive plants: The value or impact of a species should be considered, not whether or not it's native to an area... Especially when you consider how much is spent on a lot of this work. Where do we actually get a benefit for the money and effort put into natural resources? And humans are a part of nature, doing important ecosystem services, which sometimes includes moving species intentionally or accidentally.
Interesting finding. Introduced certainly does not infer invasive! Scale also comes to mind, as a native species can move into pockets of newly available habitats quite aggressively following ecological changes.
Biologist at same place
11moInteresting article. Coastal Southern CA has a long list of introduced invasive species that require excessive time and financial resources to combat. They are a problem because they are invasive, not nessarily because they are Introduced. The author of the article eventually asked Daniel Simberloff. He placed introduced species in an ecosystem context.