Shanky's Whip will be at Mama Tried Motorcycle Show this weekend in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Come by the top floor for a sample and a chance to meet our mascot!
Shanky's Whip will be pouring samples at the Mama Tried Motorcycle Show all weekend long (February 24-25) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Come visit us on the top floor of the show for a taste of our delicious Irish Whiskey Liqueur. We will be right next to the bars which will be serving full size Shanky's drinks as well. Mama Tried Motorcycle Show is an indoor invitational that connects motorcycles and builders to fans and riders alike. Keeping the fire stoked all winter long. The show features over 100 motorcycles from builders of all calibers—flat-tracker, hill climber, chopper, and bar hopper. The motorcycle community and Wisconsin both LOVE Shanky's so this event couldn't be more of a natural fit for a brand activation. The racing spirit of Shanky's will be alive this weekend in Wisconsin! Big thanks to Steve Hoida and Michele Salfer from Johnson Brothers for helping us with all the pre-event coordination. Riley Stoner and the POPLIFE team also play a major role in how Shanky's comes to life out on the road. Thank you for all your hard work. Lafayette Imports Biggar & Leith #mamatried #mamatriedmotorcycleshow #motorcycle #harleydavidson #art #wisconsin #milwaukee #whiskey #irishwhiskey #shanky #spirits #spiritsbusiness #spiritsindustry #tradeshows #tradeshowbooth #experiential #experientialmarketing #marketing #spiritsmarketing #events #sampling #tasting #innovation #eventmarketing #worthatry