Laura Brose’s Post

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Freelance writer, reviewer and self-publisher looking for steady employment

Long after I graduated high school, they changed the NYC education system so _everyone_ would take the Regents Exam and the non-academic track would be eliminated. This looked good politically, but led to some serious social problems on a practical level. As far as I know, this meant that shop and vocational classes were eliminated. Money saving and liability-reducing for the school system, but it meant that those who were good with their hands but maybe not so good with formal education were denied a straight path to jobs. Also, this very likely expanded the "special needs" population, where again, those for whom various aspects of academic learning might not have been their skill set were stigmatized, labelled, and "helped" at government expense, effectively taking the $ savings from one pocket and putting it into another. (This could only serve to enhance an entrenched bureaucracy.) While the first part of this was highly publicized, what was less publicized was that they ended up having to "lower the bar" making the content and questions of the Regents Exams at a lower level to ensure that a larger percentage of the student population could pass the Regents Exams in the required subjects. Finally, one of my uncles who has experience as a corporate exec with a Computer Science degree, told me that he had at one time been offered a job with the NYS Regents Exam System (he did not disclose the period in history) wherein they gave him extensive "insider" information about the computer systems and testing protocols they used. He claimed that when they gave the RCT (Regents Competency Test-the test that determined whether a student was selected for the "Regents track" or not back when not everybody was) to 8th graders in the NYS public school systems, after all those high school classes of Regents books and teaching the test; the Regents Exams they ultimately gave to the high school seniors was the exact same exam as the RCT they took in 8th grade! I don't know when or if that really happened (maybe someone here who works/worked for the NYS Regents system can tell me?) but it wasn't the experience my sister and I had when we attended high school and took the Regents Exams during the 1980s.

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