Laura Sukorokoff’s Post

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Co-Founder & CEO @ Take Charge Learning | Passionate Soft Skills Trainer | Enthusiastic Advocate for Manager Training | People and Culture Developer | Author and International Speaker

"The thing about culture is it'll happen whether you focus on it or not. So, if you want your workplace culture to embody the values and ethics you hold dear, then you have to lead by example." So important to consider how strategy includes culture. After all, strategy includes revenue, head count, customer metrics - all directly affected by workplace culture. Having a culture of communication, collaboration, and teamwork impacts those key metrics. As such, it's an important part of strategy and leadership - at all levels of the organization. #leadership #management #collaboration #teamwork #softskills #softskillstraining

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Do you have a positive workplace culture? You better hope you have. Recent Tik Tok posts are revealing exactly what employees think of their workplaces, and it's causing concern (as it should). It's worth it for leaders to have a workplace culture strategy in place. A healthy culture leads to employee engagement, psychological safety, creativity, engagement, retention and loyalty. It also boosts productivity and helps you to attract the best talent. So, yeah, it's important. It also fosters an environment of open communication, collaboration, and teamwork. Employees are willing to help each other and provide support, leading to the types of synergies that lead to innovation. Yep, it's worth it to include healthy workplace culture in your organization's strategic plan. The thing about culture is it'll happen whether you focus on it or not. So, if you want your workplace culture to embody the values and ethics you hold dear, then you have to lead by example. Know what collaboration and teamwork are? Soft skills. Know what we teach? Soft skills. Learn more here: Reach out for more information about our manager training: #leadership #management #softskills #softskillstraining #communication #collaboration #teamwork

  • Photo of a building cleaning team. In the foreground is a young man with dark hair and a beard. He is wearing a white t-shirt and yellow rubber gloves. He is holding a black bucket full of cleaning supplies. In the background are 5 people (3 women and 2 men). They are blurred out a bit. All are wearing white shirts and holding cleaning supplies.

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