Leanne Cusumano Roque, Esq., PCC’s Post

View profile for Leanne Cusumano Roque, Esq., PCC

CEO & Executive Coach, Shine Like the Sun Coaching; Owner, Yoga 4 All Bodies

Ever said "Yes" to something to which you really wanted to say "No"? You are not alone. Type A personalities, people pleasers, go along to get along - all these habits and beliefs can make us expend our time, money, and/or energy on things we don't really want and for which we don't really care. Stop the madness with these new habits. You can do this for yourself and for teams you lead. As a leader, you are the protector of your team. Be clear about the team's priorities, in your view and in the organizational view. If the team is already overloaded, saying "Yes" doesn't help you or the team. Instead, ask where the new request fits in with existing priorities, whether to shift a current priority to make space for the new, or to highlight that the new is less important and let it go or schedule time to re-visit it.

Leandra Vera

Project Manager, Educator, PMP Certified


Love this! I have been reminded about this on several occasions throughout my life. This can also be challenging for someone who is an extrovert and likes to volunteer. Since I moved, I’ve been making the conscious decision to be very careful of what I choose to spend my time on.

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