It's day five of #BCAW.
Today, our Resilience Director, Bryan Nelson, shares his wealth of knowledge and experience regarding post-incident debriefing. Let's explore Bryan's insights:
‘In life, it’s important we learn from our mistakes and improve. The same principle applies in the working environment, whether it’s developing employees, improving organisations ways of working or being better prepared when business continuity is threatened.
We improve through debriefing, a process used to capture feedback on something that has happened.
Ideally, immediate feedback is preferable because it captures the detail fresh in our minds. The drawback being, it’s emotionally raw with a tendency for bias. Therefore, a follow on cold debrief provides a balance having allowed time for reflection.
Having said all that, a debrief is waste of time if not acted upon by collecting feedback into an Action Plan, with ownership this delivers.
This ladies and gentlemen is often the sticking point. I’ve facilitated many debriefing sessions over the years for organisations far and wide, the key to successful debriefing is to keep it simple, ensure inclusive engagement and encourage ownership of an Action Plan that delivers improvement’.
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