You don't want to miss tomorrow's webinar "How to Spot and Respond to Changing Economic Conditions: A Primer for Legal Industry Executives" this Tuesday, October 15 at 12 pm ET. Moderators: Paco Rivilla, Director of Pricing at Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP Andrew Slade, Director of Growth and Analytics at Perkins Coie Speakers: William Josten, Esq., ALRAP, Legal Marketplace Innovations Strategist at Thomson Reuters Max Littlejohn, Assistant Professor of Economics at Millsaps College Buyers and sellers of legal services must navigate an increasingly complex economic landscape. Industry executives grapple with unknowns, ranging from inflation and interest rates to elections and global conflicts. This panel assembles economic and industry experts to discuss how to identify and analyze economic signals that will impact the demand, purchasing power, and practice mix for legal services. The goal of the discussion is to provide attendees with the insight, tools, and resources to proactively identify red flags so that their organizations can maneuver accordingly to stay ahead of the curve. Registration is complimentary for members and $75 for non-members.
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Save your seat for the upcoming webinar "How to Spot and Respond to Changing Economic Conditions: A Primer for Legal Industry Executives" this Tuesday, October 15 at 12 pm ET. Details: Moderators: Paco Rivilla, Director of Pricing at Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP Andrew Slade, Director of Growth and Analytics at Perkins Coie Speakers: William Josten, Esq., ALRAP, Legal Marketplace Innovations Strategist at Thomson Reuters Max Littlejohn, Assistant Professor of Economics at Millsaps College Buyers and sellers of legal services must navigate an increasingly complex economic landscape. Industry executives grapple with unknowns, ranging from inflation and interest rates to elections and global conflicts. This panel assembles economic and industry experts to discuss how to identify and analyze economic signals that will impact the demand, purchasing power, and practice mix for legal services. The goal of the discussion is to provide attendees with the insight, tools, and resources to proactively identify red flags so that their organizations can maneuver accordingly to stay ahead of the curve. Registration is complimentary for members and $75 for non-members.
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Are you familiar with the acronyms ESTA and CTA? If not, you should take the time to learn about these new laws. Both pieces of legislation are anticipated to have immediate, and negative, impacts on your business, and businesses across the State. Tune into the next webinar spearheaded by our friends at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce so you are ready!
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Navigating Policy Shifts With Confidence: Without support, businesses risk being unprepared for significant change this year in D.C. That’s why we’ve created “New Administration Outlook.” Bookmark this wide-ranging resource to guide you through personnel and policy changes during the second Trump Administration. Here you’ll find: ✅Actionable Updates: Stay informed with the latest developments. ✅In-Depth Analysis: Gain a deeper understanding of key legal and regulatory trends. ✅Engaging Webinars: Join our lawyers to discuss the impacts on your industry.
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Wondering what changes are on the horizon with the incoming Trump administration, and how to best prepare your organization? DWT has you covered, with lots of helpful and informative resources. Read on for more detail on how we’re poised to help clients navigate these waters.
Navigating Policy Shifts With Confidence: Without support, businesses risk being unprepared for significant change this year in D.C. That’s why we’ve created “New Administration Outlook.” Bookmark this wide-ranging resource to guide you through personnel and policy changes during the second Trump Administration. Here you’ll find: ✅Actionable Updates: Stay informed with the latest developments. ✅In-Depth Analysis: Gain a deeper understanding of key legal and regulatory trends. ✅Engaging Webinars: Join our lawyers to discuss the impacts on your industry.
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The Ideological Roots of America’s Market Power Problem - PDF: Given the systemic market power problem we face today, identifying ways to restore antitrust enforcement is vital. Doing so first requires recognizing that the source of the problem is not just a lack of enforcement, but also the current philosophy of antitrust. The existing approach is premised on a theory of market power that proves deeply hostile to enforcement. Restoring a theory of power that accords with the original values of antitrust—including a distrust of concentrated private power—is critical for reviving an enforcement regime that can fully address the concentrated market power across our political economy. This would require refocusing antitrust analysis on a structural inquiry about process and power, rather than on a set of metrics focused on a narrow set of outcomes.83 While the “Unlocking Antitrust Enforcement” Collection offers some useful suggestions for how to strengthen enforcement, they neglect to grapple with the current framework, ratifying an orientation and set of assumptions that ultimately undermine their project.
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If you are doing business in California, it’s important to understand how new reporting requirements starting in 2026 could impact you. Reserve your spot for this webinar with Forvis Mazars US to learn more:
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If you are doing business in California, it’s important to understand how new reporting requirements starting in 2026 could impact you. Reserve your spot for this webinar with Forvis Mazars US to learn more:
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Leadership Now Project, with the support of pro bono counsel Covington & Burling LLP, filed an amicus brief in Donald J. Trump v. United States of America. The brief makes the business case for why former President Trump must not be granted immunity from being prosecuted for potential criminal acts committed while President to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election. “Leadership Now’s amicus brief underscores a core principle that underpins both our democracy and our economy: no individual, regardless of position, is above the law. This principle is crucial for maintaining the stable and predictable economic conditions essential for business confidence and growth,” says Daniella Ballou-Aares, CEO, Leadership Now Project. Read on for more: #businessanddemocracy #leadershipnow
Leadership Now Project Files Amicus Brief in Trump's Supreme Court Immunity Case — Leadership Now Project
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Check out our 2024 edition of SEC Comment Letter Considerations, Including Industry Insights, which offers our perspectives on topics highlighted in the SEC staff’s comment letters to registrants.
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Read this week’s edition of From the Hill by Forvis Mazars to get an update on tax-related happenings that could affect your organization.
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