⚡️ A brand new accelerator is launching in Leicester aimed at developing innovative solutions to social challenges. The Social Innovation Accelerator is designed to empower people from the city who want to tackle a social problem with a novel idea. Through the 8-week programme (starting in February), participants will undertake workshops, mentoring, and practical support, whilst exploring key aspects of social enterprise development, including idea generation, business planning, and impact measurement. The Accelerator is being run by the Social Innovation People CiC, which is a partnership between Chris Shaw and Stacey Wragg- a team with 40 years’ experience. More here: https://lnkd.in/eTc-8Dwc
What an excellent topic for an accelerator. I would love to see a version of this in primary and high schools.
This is fantastic! We need more initiatives like this to support startups that are building sustainable businesses and addressing social challenges within their communities and beyond!
A super idea.
What an excellent idea 👏
Helping Creatives & Businesses Think Big and Create Bigger
2wThank you for sharing we are very excited to see what ideas come through!