Let's talk about messing up. We're all human—at least most of us are 👽. It's natural to make mistakes. And I have a secret about the infamous interview question, "Tell me about a time when you made a mistake." As a hiring manager, I ask this question in 100% of my interviews. And guess what? I don't actually care about the mistake itself. Unless you pulled a Milton from Office Space🔥. I want to know if: 1. You own your mistakes. Did you take accountability and ownership of your mistake, working quickly to fix it? Or did you pass the blame to someone else while rushing to complete it without anyone noticing? 2. You take constructive feedback well. Did you welcome feedback, admit your mistake, and turn it into a learning moment? Or did you push back, disregard the advice, and defend your actions, regardless of their effectiveness? This question isn't really about the mistake. It's about taking accountability, owning your mistakes, and being receptive to constructive feedback. Remember, we can't learn if we don't mess up. It's all part of the process. What interview questions do you struggle with? Drop a comment below, and meet me here next Friday for the second edition of Insider Interview Tips. Stay curious, my friends! For solid interview training, check out my website and schedule some time to chat: www.eacuriouscoaching.com #interviewtips #interviewprep #careercoach #accountability #ownership #hiringmanagers