Why should people have to pay for services they don’t use? Thing is, rates don’t really work on a case-by-case basis. Instead, they get pooled into a chunk of collective money – so councils know how much they have altogether, and can then best decide how to use that pool of money to deliver the things your rohe needs. Think of it like a restaurant. Part of what you pay goes towards covering the cost of the ingredients in your dish. Another chunk of your money goes towards other important things, like the power bill, or the staff who cook and serve your meal. Even if you don’t utilise every service the restaurant provides – like the cocktail maker, or the loo – all these things help make this restaurant a well-equipped, delicious and vibey place to dine. Councils aren’t that different – your rates collectively ensure your community is a place that has everything ALL your locals need and want. So even if you don’t use every single service, your rates collectively go towards ensuring your home city or district or region is a safe, functioning, welcoming and vibrant place for everyone to live. It all evens out in the end.
I sometimes wonder where the need for everything to have some sort of benefit to someone is the criteria to do/pay for something. Paying a bit extra so others who can't afford what you can is a no brainer. Then they can access to a library (therefore the internet, books, videos and so much more), or pools and parks, or public transport or... so many other things. We are all part of a society, and part of being part of society means sharing and helping those who need it. Which means paying rates for things you don't use so someone else can.
Yes we won't use every service and happy to pay for community services. However I don't appreciate basic services being taken away. With the rates debate recently there was a suggestion of a reduction in library hours, as an example. And now rubbish bins being reduced around the city. To me rubbish pick up is a basic service. It will be interesting to see how this impacts the amount of rubbish left on roadsides etc. I'm happy to pay more rates but not happy when basic services are reduced.
Great post 👍
Special Counsel @ Tompkins Wake |Specialising in Local Government Law
10moSo true. My favourite is, "I don't use the library so why should I pay for it?" Heard this so many times while working in and for local government that I have to bite my lip not to respond, "Why? Don't you know how to read?" But the reality is that 'public good' services are so universal that ratepayers scarcely know who pays for them until they show up as a targeted rate or a debate about the cost of repairs, maintenance, or renewal that may affect the quantum of rates.