A brilliant explanation of the first principles of this conflict. Pls watch it and share. @konstantinkisin https://lnkd.in/gfZnTHmT
Lillian Kline’s Post
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https://lnkd.in/gGBDStHJ The truth, plain and simple.
Al Buruj Press on Instagram: "This is the fact! Listen carefully!"
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Do not get mad at this person's emotions and viewpoint. Many victims of atrocities around the globe have begun to call out the "humanitarian" and "human rights" organizations that are selective on who they serve and for what purposes (which may go against the community's needs and wants). Evaluate the work that you do. What is your purpose, mission, and vision? How does the work you currently do contradict your professional and personal goals?
💮26 MN+ Views💮 Pro-human🌸, Pro-🍉 Empathetic listener, strong communicator, and tireless in pursuit of equality | Instagram - khatija.7 | Facebook - Khatija.co | X - khatijasworld |
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TPUSA Events on Instagram: "Have YOU read the owner’s manual for the US? 📜🇺🇸 @glennbeck said at #AmFest2023 that he went 40 years before reading the Constitution of the United States! #tpusaevents #tpusa #constitution #government"
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In everything we do, even or rather especially at work, intergrity is paramount. The dictionary defines integrity as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Having strong moral principles; moral uprightness includes saying what is right ad right and what is wrong as wrong. When we choose to remain silent because we have certain fear for whatever reason, seriously, I will have doubt about the integrity of such person. If one sold his integrity for some worldly gain, would you expect him not to sale anything else for the sake of his personal gain? Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the oppressor. https://lnkd.in/gAShKAuk
Ansar Yawar on Instagram: "A Call."
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The Te Tai Tokerau hikoi to the capital, Wellington to Parliment, is rolling through Te Papaioea (Palmerston North) today. A simple explanation given by this wahine. https://lnkd.in/gaipriJv
11K reactions · 11K shares | 👌🏼🤙🏼✊🏼 best explanation I've heard so far ❤️ Not my mahi - see ya girl *RIANA* here on TikTok. She's awesome... | By Natalie Blakey | Facebook
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WHAT IF THEY WIN? Here's a great tool to help you reduce any anxiety you're feeling on this Election Day in the US. https://lnkd.in/eft7xjam Instead of biting your nails as the votes pour in, use this unusual but highly effective technique to feel better instantly. Simply stop, take several deep breaths (fresh air in/toxins and worry out), then follow this helpful video to create your own personal peace-on-earth at this very tense moment.
Got Fear About an Upcoming Contest? This can help - Tapping with Brad Yates
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Social experiment!!! Kudos to the lovely girl who reacted positively 🙏 i have no copyright for this song! | By Otun Tara PamelaFacebook
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Using Isabel Sterne 🟡 's template to say I'll be adding a newsletter/blog of some sort to my WordPress site, so feel free to read my yaps and also engage on the gram @m1m3w1r3, parasocially of course. And React.js is comfier, but Angular syntax looks prettier. I shall not back down ~ just had a dream about being at a startup party. (Was perhaps the nicotine withdrawal causing me to OD on yearning and basic silliness) #devlife #computerscience #javascript #webdevelopment #webdeveloper #frontend #backend #git #react #softwaredeveloper #webdesigner #wordpress #css
Do you want to be in a parasocial relationship with me? - Image: [yes and no checkboxes]
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Jan 25 Is Being Able To Perform Wonders & Signs Dependent on These Things? Passages for Today: Act 2:40-47 Reflection Questions: 1. How is God/Jesus represented in this passage to you and why? 2. How are you seeing or experiencing Him through this passage and why? 3. What is standing out to you the most and why? Allow Restream to connect to your Facebook so that Restream can show your name and profile picture! Visit👉 chat.restream.io/fb to start!
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