Athletic Stadium 🏟️ Client: Magyar Építő Zrt. Designed by NAPUR Architect Ltd. Scale: 1:500 Photos: Tamás Réthey-Prikkel You can see the model of the Athletic Stadium, from the model portfolio created for Magyar Építő Zrt. Before starting the work, we personally toured the entire facility, which the team really enjoyed. It's always a pleasure to visit a place, that we can build in small afterwards! 😊 The work was different from the usual, due to the building's large truss structure. We tried to display the same light effects in 1:500, which you can see in 1:1, in the decorative lighting of the stadium. #limes3dinnohub #architecuremodels #architecturemockups #3dmodels #3dinnovations #innovativearchitecture #budapest3dmodeling #budapest3dwork #budapestmakettek#atletikaistadion #stadionmakett