📢 Calling all those 60+ years old... We're seeking a small group of thought partners to share their wisdom and lend expertise as we explore consumer behavior, mindsets, and the future of aging. As a part of this group, you'll reflect on your life stories and wisdom to help us better understand the shared experiences of others within this demographic. Join the 60+ Wisdom Collective and learn more here: https://lnkd.in/gqD2phX8 *If selected, you will receive compensation for participation. #aging #aginggracefully #longevity #futureofaging \\ Ellen Wilcox Alexis Queen Jeff Cantalupo Rick Desai Brentos Fernandez Joelle Cosmas Johnnie Yu Shawn Dennis Nika Longo
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What's Age Got to Do With It? Wow! I was just on a webinar on design for #aging and one of the presenters apologized for having difficulty with tech by saying "I have never felt so old." No, no, no! This was followed by referring to the exponential growth of the #olderadult population as the Silver Tsunami. Again, no. It's shocking coming from someone who provides services for older adults. But they are not alone, unfortunately I've heard many ageist comments from respected colleagues, even proponents of #DEI. These stereotypes are part of the fabric of our society. It's common to use them, but with awareness it no longer has to be. Here are resources from the The National Center to Reframe Aging to help you and your colleagues become aware of #ageist language that reinforces negative stereotypes of #age and #aging that we have been socialized to use, and how to stop using them. No matter what your work is or the topic of your presentation, please explore and share and consider reminding people of this language before an event. https://lnkd.in/eRPhv-K7
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The Golden Girls are no longer the blueprint for aging. The concept of old age is being redefined, moving beyond the stereotypes of golf, travel, and leisure as the "golden years". Today, more people are working longer, living healthier, and seeking purpose in their later years. But are we ready to support this shift? This interview with author James Chappel dives into the pressing challenge of redefining aging for the future. From Social Security concerns to the lack of cultural representation for the realities of aging, it's clear we need new models. Read the full article below: https://lnkd.in/geKPj423 #aging #longevity #olderadults
‘Golden Girls’ no more: How America’s concept of old age became outdated
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Activist and ally Ashton Applewhite joined the legendary Jane Fonda on CBS Sunday Morning this week to share Becca Levy at Yale University’s groundbreaking research that a positive attitude towards ageing can add 7.5 years to your life - and the steps each and every one of us can take to combat ageist narratives. At Ageism Is Never In Style®, we’ve always emphasised that institutionally and individually reframing how we think and feel about ageing can have a ripple effect—positively influencing not just ourselves but also those around us. When we see ageing as a privilege rather than a punishment, we open the door to growth, joy, empowerment, innovation and new opportunities. Thank you to CBS Sunday Morning, Fonda and Applewhite for uniting to use your unique voices and platforms to shed light on this. And tomorrow, our founder & CEO Jacynth Bassett will be joining Ashton Applewhite in person in NYC, as they both will be speaking together on the plenary opening panel on ageism at NYC Department for the Aging's national conference ‘BOOM! A Silver Dawning In American Cities’ hashtag #BOOMConference2024 Please note: whilst we understand some may not feel Fonda is the best ‘ambassador’ for this topic, in line with our Manifesto, we respect hers and all others choice to age how they wish, free from judgment, including getting ‘work done’. Fonda has always and continues to be an advocate, and use her platform & status to drive change; and we appreciate her candour in admitting she regrets having had a face lift - after all let’s not forget Fonda lives and works in an ageist industry and society too! So, as always, please be respectful in the comments. . 🎥To watch the full episode head over to the CBS Sunday Morning youtube channel and join the conversation . Video Credits: CBS Sunday Mornings @smartypantspictures @eamphilanthropy #AgeismIsNeverInStyle #CBS #CBSSundayMornings #Ageism #GendredAgeism #Ageing #Aging #AgeDiscrimination #AgePositive #ProAge #AgeBias #HealthyAging #AgeingWell #AllAges #AgingWell #HealthyAgeing #Longevity #LongevityEconomy #LongevityLiving
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It's essential to start conversations about ageism and how it manifests in our daily lives. From subtle remarks about someone's age to more overt discrimination in hiring practices, ageism can take many forms. Every story shared helps raise awareness and encourages us to reflect on our biases. Let's keep the dialogue going and work together to challenge these stereotypes. American Society on Aging #AgeismAwarenessDay #TalkAboutAgeism
It’s Ageism Awareness Day! Throughout the day, we’ll drop a new question every hour to #TalkAboutAgeism and explore how it affects our communities, workplaces, and lives. Question 1: What does ageism look like in everyday life? Share examples you’ve encountered or witnessed. Ageism can be subtle or obvious, and every story about it matters. Share your thoughts in the comments, or share this post with your perspective! Find more resources at https://lnkd.in/gyWWHA_s
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Today is Ageism Awareness Day! We are sharing the ASA's posts asking questions to prompt us all to #TalkAboutAgeism. There are many aspects of Ageism. But first, what is it? "Ageism" is defined as: "the discrimination, prejudice, or stereotyping of people based on their age." Ageism can affect people of all ages, but it's most commonly associated with discrimination against the older adults. One of the things we commonly see in our community (and in senior care in general) is "Elderspeak." Elderspeak is considered "benevolent ageism" because we don't mean to be ageist when we speak to an older adult this way. But when we speak to them as if they cannot understand or make decisions, or speak to them in a higher tone of voice or use simple words like we're speaking to a child we undermine their intelligence and sense of worth. Yes, in some cases, we may have to change our language, especially for those with a brain disease like dementia, but we still don't need to speak to them as if they are children. For whatever reason, it is a very easy thing to fall into, perhaps because we've seen it modeled. Awareness is key to helping us change this behavior. What are your thoughts on, or experiences with Ageism and/or Elderspeak?
It’s Ageism Awareness Day! Throughout the day, we’ll drop a new question every hour to #TalkAboutAgeism and explore how it affects our communities, workplaces, and lives. Question 1: What does ageism look like in everyday life? Share examples you’ve encountered or witnessed. Ageism can be subtle or obvious, and every story about it matters. Share your thoughts in the comments, or share this post with your perspective! Find more resources at https://lnkd.in/gyWWHA_s
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This speaks for itself. Also: Hire someone experienced who can bring expertise and efficiency to your agency or your brand. You all win. We're all just getting started. #Ageism #AgeismIsNeverInStyle #AgeDiscrimination Ageism Is Never In Style®
Activist and ally Ashton Applewhite joined the legendary Jane Fonda on CBS Sunday Morning this week to share Becca Levy at Yale University’s groundbreaking research that a positive attitude towards ageing can add 7.5 years to your life - and the steps each and every one of us can take to combat ageist narratives. At Ageism Is Never In Style®, we’ve always emphasised that institutionally and individually reframing how we think and feel about ageing can have a ripple effect—positively influencing not just ourselves but also those around us. When we see ageing as a privilege rather than a punishment, we open the door to growth, joy, empowerment, innovation and new opportunities. Thank you to CBS Sunday Morning, Fonda and Applewhite for uniting to use your unique voices and platforms to shed light on this. And tomorrow, our founder & CEO Jacynth Bassett will be joining Ashton Applewhite in person in NYC, as they both will be speaking together on the plenary opening panel on ageism at NYC Department for the Aging's national conference ‘BOOM! A Silver Dawning In American Cities’ hashtag #BOOMConference2024 Please note: whilst we understand some may not feel Fonda is the best ‘ambassador’ for this topic, in line with our Manifesto, we respect hers and all others choice to age how they wish, free from judgment, including getting ‘work done’. Fonda has always and continues to be an advocate, and use her platform & status to drive change; and we appreciate her candour in admitting she regrets having had a face lift - after all let’s not forget Fonda lives and works in an ageist industry and society too! So, as always, please be respectful in the comments. . 🎥To watch the full episode head over to the CBS Sunday Morning youtube channel and join the conversation . Video Credits: CBS Sunday Mornings @smartypantspictures @eamphilanthropy #AgeismIsNeverInStyle #CBS #CBSSundayMornings #Ageism #GendredAgeism #Ageing #Aging #AgeDiscrimination #AgePositive #ProAge #AgeBias #HealthyAging #AgeingWell #AllAges #AgingWell #HealthyAgeing #Longevity #LongevityEconomy #LongevityLiving
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Ageism affects us all. Explore personal anecdotes, research & real-life examples to understand its impact & join the conversation to dismantle this pervasive issue.
I’ve Seen Ageism Up Close — Let’s Break Down This Invisible Barrier
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Ageism Awareness Day is Approaching! Save the date: October 9! Join THE WEST END HOME FOUNDATION and many others as we raise awareness and work to reframe ageism wherever it appears—be it in the workplace, media, healthcare, or our daily lives. This day is all about championing a culture where every age is acknowledged, valued, and respected. Get Informed: Dive into the American Society on Aging’s Fact Sheet to gain insights into ageism, its impacts, and actionable strategies to combat it: https://bit.ly/46G1TJd Let’s come together to challenge stereotypes and drive positive change. Join us! Share this post and let’s make a collective impact! #AgeismAwarenessDay #TalkAboutAgeism
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One of the major themes for 2025 is precarity. Precarity, or precariousness, is one of the major forces affecting politics and culture worldwide. Yet, it is often misunderstood too narrowly as affecting only certain segments of society. The precariat, as described by folks such as Guy Standing, is primarily (though definitely not entirely) a socio-economic category, defined by the lack of job and resource security, disconnection from the main arteries of society, and a dissatisfaction with the status quo. (Note: this is an over-simplification; I've linked to a 2017 article in the comments if you want to take a deeper dive.) This type of precariousness is certainly evident in many countries across the world. But precariousness is much more pervasive--many people with high incomes and significant means, for example, confront precarity on a regular basis. This is because precariousness can be identity-related as well as socio-economic; it can be about physical safety and fears of violence that are hyper-local (i.e., violence in my neighborhood) or global (e.g,. climate-related harms). The more we try to isolate one dimension of precarity in order to better understand it, the more we end up losing the bigger picture. Precarity is at once psychological, sociological, and a function of policy choices at all levels; it's rational and irrational. It's a vibe and a terrifyingly tangible presence. And while precarity is often a factor in driving higher-risk situations, from intense "us versus them" polarization to outright violence, it can also be a driver for community-building and spiritual renewal. There is more volatility and space, more searching for something new or different. On some level, a near-universal sense of precarity kind of makes sense. How many supposedly "once in a century" events have happened in the last 25 years? And how frequently have they been asymmetric to the downside in terms of their impacts? There are certainly echoes of times past, but also many new features to our contemporary age of precarity. This is a theme I hope to explore a lot more. If you have suggestions for places to research on this, please share. #politics #culture
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Are assumptions about age preventing you from being the best you can be? "...Because of this internalized ageism, we make assumptions about what age means, what it says about the aging population, and how we are somehow doing it wrong. "Ageism is present at every age and affects everyone. The good news is that it can be turned around with educated and intentional conversations full of curiosity and respect..." (Source: https://lnkd.in/g8M86axy) One final thought... Rather than call out what is being said about the "aging population" let's recognize the contributions older adults make to our collective prosperity. #internalizedageism #ageism #changethenarrative #selftalk #bethebestyoucanbe #collectiveprosperity
EP 62: Changing the Narrative on Ageism and the Labels That Divide - You're Up First | iHeart
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Join the 60+ Wisdom Collective and learn more here: https://lnkd.in/gqD2phX8