🏡 The home loan feature 70% of borrowers want 🏡 Seven out of ten borrowers are opting for a home loan offset account, according to a recent NAB report. An offset account can let you put spare cash to work by paying down your home loan sooner. How much could your interest payments be reduced by with an offset? 🤔 Let's say you have $20,000 in your offset account over the life of a 30-year, $400,000 home loan (with an interest rate of 6%). You could save more than $87,000 in interest, and reduce your loan term by more than three years, according to Macquarie Bank. Contact us to find out if a home loan offset account could be right for you. 👇 To find out more, DM us or contact Loanworx on: ☎️ – 1300 562 696 💻 – admin@loanworx.com.au #loanworx #homeloans #mortgage #finance #refinancing #mortgagebroker #home #investmentproperty #firsthomebuyer #fhlds #refinance #melbourne #melbourneproperty #melbournerealestate #melbournebroker #melbournefinance #melbournemortgagebroker #westmelbourne #westmelbourneproperty #westmelbournemortgagebroker #westmelbournerealestate #victoria #victoriaproperty #victoriamortgagebroker #victoriarealestate #victoriafinance #victoriabroker #victoriasmallbusiness