Sick of blending in when you know you need to stand-out to succeed?
Darwin's theory about evolution applies just as much to brands as it does to beasts.
It really is all about being fit enough (or phat* enough) to survive, and, more than anything else, that depends on being spotted by potential customers - because if they have no idea you exist, they can't possibly buy from you.
To make this happen, you have to ensure your business is as visible as possible to potential customers.
The problem? Yours is one of 5.6 million private sector firms all doing the same, in the same ways: posting on social media; creating, curating, and sharing content; dabbling with PR.
If you just do what everyone else does, you risk simply becoming part of the background noise. Vanilla. Insipid. Invisible. An 'also ran'.
Instead, you need to do something unexpected. Something unignorable.
It can be shocking, frightening, weird, or laugh-out-loud funny. It just has to be so different it gets noticed.
For instance, Tony Raynor once advertised his business on the side of sheep 😆 He paid a farmer to put branded waterproof coats on them, attracting the attention of passing motorists and boosting website traffic.(see link in comments).
I'm constantly getting my balls out to promote Fifty2M (
Red Bull had a guy jump out of a capsule on the edge of space.
Rirchard Branson piloted a Virgin-branded hot air balloon across the Atlantic in a solo flight.
Being different gets you noticed and remembered. Being the same means you're impossible to distinguish.
So, go big and go bold if you want to grab attention and get ahead 👍
*Phat = urban slang for 'excellent'
🔥Congratulations Roger! 🔥 !