#JOotA #Yan,i, #SHOE
#3-IDiotS #haldiram.com
Thank you USPTO for your post and
for #ImportantResearch by #google #linkedin #youtube #facebook #meetup #Indeed #twitter
I've #forgotten #Yan,i, #Bhoolgaya #Julie
that #people like that might have been
#ED #AIR difficulty l🚗🍋l 🍌🍍🍦
at #individual, #community and #government level
#Yan,i, make everyone or label everyone
#HATHRAS before they can be
#naudogyarah #Yan,i,
#nineplustwoeleven #gone!
their business seems to be
to put #people on
that #BU,ss, versus #car by #software?
There are two issues you bring to light:
one: original products can only be afforded by #people #aroundtheworld who will claim "their #son's, #daughter's pocket money is more than these scientists and teachers on nominal salary, say rupees eight thousand, in #MIT #manipal [dot] edu area, while teaching for an Administrative Services candidates academy, owned by a person below, her husband being owner, founder of one of the largest IT #company!"
So they and other people come up with look alike
new, similar products for #BaseofPyramID
new services, be it screening, pathology, vaccination, pharma, by first creating a #fear, or of being too #rare, or #dear,
recently, a post promoting cervical cancer vaccination for a girl nine year tall!
We need immediate #antidote for such difficulties or their viral business network, whose attitude for #ScientificAdvisor #Ip seems skewed to put it mildly and deep-seated for ages
#Amazon.com #digital business for claimed labels and selling limits people around the world or small-scale #businesses, #traders!
two: small-scale, medium-scale, large-scale businesses, such as #haldiram.com, because, they are not literate, have a #ScientificAdvisor #Ip- Patent Trademark Agent, newer labels, can cause difficulty for people to be #committed or to make a meaningful #contribution, say for their copied products as well for #cold-storage #packaging, can be very confusing,
#haldiram.com #samosas are
#another label's
(if I understand right,
#samosas are from #Asia to #Africa to
#Europe to #America)?
What can #haldiram.com do?
for #food items like #samosas #Bharta
Dr. Jagdishwar🌙
After you've filed your trademark registration, record it with U.S. Customs and Border Protection to ward off knockoffs that could harm your brand.
Counterfeit goods infringe on federally registered trademarks which threatens the U.S. economy, the competitiveness of business, and in some cases, the health and safety of consumers. CBP’s Intellectual Property Rights enforcement agents have the ability to seize these damaging counterfeit items.
In Fiscal Year 2021, CBP made more than 27,000 seizures with an estimated manufacturer’s suggested retail price of more than $3.3 billion.
Learn about protecting your trademark from international counterfeiters: https://bit.ly/40VVt5G