I have recently returned from a 2-day trip to Stavanger in Norway where I undertook a number of engagements. I attended meetings with our fellow European cities of the World Energy Cities Partnership – Stavanger, Groningen, Esbjerg – to discuss recent updates from our energy transition journeys and opportunities to collaborate and work together. Pictured with me are Sissel Knutsen Hegdal, Mayor, City of Stavanger and Philip Broeksma, Vice-Mayor, Municipality of Groningen. PhD students from each city were also brought together on the same day to discuss their transition-related projects and incorporating a comparative element to their work between the cities. I also joined a panel session at the High Wind Conference. It attracted around 250 representatives of the offshore wind industry to discuss progress, challenges, supply chain and political ambitions. I shared Aberdeen’s experience on achieving coexistence between industries in the marine space.