Luke Clark’s Post

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Senior Manager at HaysMac - Co-Head of the Media, Marketing and Advertising Subsector

There is an interesting article below published by Accountancy Age on the treatment of marketing costs as an investment. Currently under both IFRS and FRS 102 principals, marketing costs are recognised through companies profit and loss as expenditure as occurred. There is an argument however that these costs should be treat as intangible investment - not only for the impact they have on future cashflows and long-term brand value, but also to shift the perception of marketing costs as expendable in times of hardship, instead recognising them as a long term investment. Often, marketing costs are one of the first to be 'slashed' in a company's budget when times are hard. However, the reality is that marketing costs will yield increased returns over a longer period - a short-term view on the cost v benefit performance of marketing will inevitably yield lower returns. Ian Whittaker recently wrote that he predicts an estimated increase in tax revenues of £20bn as a result of a switch in the accounting treatment. Perhaps one for our new government to bring onto their radar? Definitely one to watch!

Marketing as an investment: Rethinking corporate accounting practices - Accountancy Age

Marketing as an investment: Rethinking corporate accounting practices - Accountancy Age

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