Consider Alternative Job titles for Micromanaged Organizations
When creating a new position or hiring one, do you think of the expectations the job title may have in relationship to how the organization will utilize the position? Do those expectations truly fit the company culture and reflect the strength of micromanagement (if any) over the position?
When I look at a job posting, I tend to set expectations of the position initially based on the title of the job. When I look deeper into a posting, sure enough the text supports the job title in most cases.
However, if the culture of the organization is one of strong micromanagement, then those descriptions go out the window, and so should the job titles.
When people take positions with job descriptions like director, manager, leader, etc. they tend to expect they will have a degree of autonomy in those positions. In a micromanaged culture, it does not take long for a new employee to realize they will not have autonomy, and they will leave. After all, if they wanted to be a coordinator or executor, they would look for that position rather than a leadership position.
Organizations that prefer micromanagement should consider using alternative job titles to set accurate expectations for applicants. For example, instead of using 'Vice President,' a micromanaged culture could use 'Executive Lead.' Similarly, an 'Area Vice President' could be rephrased as 'Operational Lead,' 'Regional Director' as 'Regional Coordinator,' 'District Manager' as 'District Executor,' 'Territory Manager' as 'Territory Implementer,' 'Store Manager' as 'Primary Key Holder,' and 'Department Manager' as 'Department Head’ and so on. Remove words like “Leader”, “Manager” and “Director” and sure enough you can set the right expectation for the position.
So, in an organization with a culture of micromanagement, perhaps these alternative job titles will help set expectations for applicants, however if the organization is using more traditional titles as exampled above, then the employee should be allowed to fulfill those descriptions and let them have an accurate expectation of the job at hand.
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