As the Indiana Legislative Session wraps up, we’d like to explain some of the contentious bills that were introduced through the legislature. Today’s focus is HB 1137 (“Religious instruction and school chaplains”), authored by House Representative Kendall Culp (R-District 16). What does the bill do? HB 1137 allows public schools’ superintendents or principals to hire chaplains to counsel students, as long as they have two years of counseling experience, a master’s degree in a field related to religion, as well as pass certain restrictions regarding criminal history. Furthermore, the bill allows for students to leave schools for religious instruction for up to 120 minutes per week, provided that the students’ parents provide notice and the principal approves of the arrangement. The hiring of chaplains is the most controversial aspect of the legislation. While proponents of the bill believe that this allowance may help alleviate the shortage of school counselors, opponents of HB1137 are concerned about intrusions on religious freedom. They are worried that school-hired chaplains may attempt to impose religious viewpoints on students within the secular settings of public schools. Read the bill here: