To current and prospective investors in Africa - check out Ventures Platform Fund's new white paper about climate-smart innovation and investment opportunities in Africa. Delta40 Venture Studio loved contributing to this paper and co-investing with VP in this space. If you are interested in learning more about investment opportunities that drive climate-positive growth in Africa, check out the paper below and share your questions, feedback, challenges, and new ideas in the comment section. If you would like to receive information about specific live investment opportunities in Delta40 ventures, leave a comment or DM me. We can share high-impact investment opportunities from $50k to $20M in the energy, agriculture, and fintech sectors across Africa from Kenya to Nigeria and other hungry markets. We hope this paper inspires new investment in the continent and, to help facilitate this, Delta40 shares DD, legal documents, and our post-investment venture studio support services to increase the impact and returns of your investment, and to lower the risk and cost of investing in Africa. Thank you Dr. Dotun Olowoporoku and Dolapo Morgan for all the work behind the scenes to bring this paper to life.
Delta40 is proud to have contributed key insights to the newly released Ventures Platform Fund ClimateTech White Paper—a comprehensive blueprint for how African startups and venture capital can lead the charge in driving climate-smart solutions across the continent. The paper outlines actionable strategies for developing innovative, sustainable business models that enhance climate resilience. Why is this so important? Despite contributing only 4% of global emissions, Africa is projected to face $440 billion in climate-related damages by 2050, affecting 90% of its population. This is a critical moment for VCs and startups to build thriving ecosystems and drive transformative economic growth across the continent. We commend the Ventures Platform Fund team for spearheading this essential initiative and laying out a clear roadmap for transformative change in Africa. Explore the white paper and check out our case study here: #VPClimateTechWhitePaper #AfricanClimateInnovation #Delta40VentureStudio