"Alfaaz beshak tumhare the, kahaani magar hamari thi..."
Nand Ghar... A dream that resonates the masses.
When a person with a big dream shares it with others, it can catch on and become everyone's dream for several exciting reasons.
Imagine someone so passionate and confident about their dream that their excitement is contagious. Their energy makes you believe in their vision and want to be a part of it. If the dream speaks to things you care about or experiences you've had, it feels personal. It's like someone putting into words exactly what you've been feeling or hoping for. Great storytellers can turn dreams into vivid tales that stir your emotions. They help you see a better future and make you want to help create it.
When you see others getting on board with a dream, it feels more real and achievable. You think, "If they believe in this, maybe I should too!" This snowball effect makes the dream grow even bigger. Especially when times are tough, a dream promising hope and positive change can be incredibly powerful. It gives you something to look forward to and work towards.
With the internet and social media, dreams can spread like wildfire. When you see a dream being talked about everywhere, it's hard not to get curious and join in. Joining a big dream gives you a sense of belonging to something larger than yourself. It feels good to be part of a community working towards an exciting goal.
In short, a dream can quickly become everyone's dream because it resonates with people's hearts, spreads through inspiring stories and social networks, and gives them hope and a sense of purpose.
Anil AgarwalPriya Agarwal HebbarRitu JhingonAyodhya Prasad GaurHarmeet SehraKhurram NaayaabRoshni RajaramAnil Agarwal Foundation Cairn Oil and GasVedanta Group
Agar aap sapne dekhoge nahi, toh sapne poore kaise honge?
Akele hi chale the apni manzil ko paane...magar rah chalte carvaan banta chala gaya!
Nandghar ke iss safar ka hissa banne ke liye aap sabhi ka dhanyawad 🙏
Our Chair & Founder Defne Kocabiyik Narter has recently shared Borusan Ventures' journey and strategic vision in Fast Company Türkiye's latest issue! They discussed our commitment to investing in innovative projects that drive sustainable growth and benefit future generations.
Read the full interview in Fast Company's latest issue to learn more about our vision and plans for the future!
Over on our blog, Ben Vulliamy, Executive Director at AHUA shares his reflections on his first month in the new role.
Read more here: https://bit.ly/3Xx9MxyNew
हिन्दी लेखक, कथेतरसाहित्य, संस्मरण ,
किताब- 1- "मेरे पिताजी और मैं "(एक संस्मरण)
2- त्रिशंकु- (कथासाहित्य)
न्यूजलेटर - हिन्दी साहित्य (दैनिक)
स्नातकोत्तर- हिन्दी साहित्य, हिंदू Studies, मनोविज्ञान, DipTD.
The great Khali meet with Pujya Shri Premanand ji Maharaj 🙏 🕉
Over on our blog, Ben Vulliamy, Executive Director at AHUA shares his reflections on his first month in the new role.
Read more here: https://bit.ly/3Xx9MxyNew
Being aware this platform is not a place for such expression, but the basic human rights situation in Republic of Serbia became serious, I decided it deserves attention of proper international committees and authorities.
All this in order for our citizens, foremost our youngest, to get their own country, land and basic civilian freedoms back.
UNICEF please react, children in Republic of Serbia are threatened daily by current regime and their own "government".
Besides this persona (representative of the ruling party, and an actual lawyer) saying that "children are property of the state", president of the country, Mr Aleksandar Vučić said it would take special forces 6-7 seconds to "take care of them".
Was he alluding to high-schoolers and students protests and blockades?
Why this question? Because those same children and young people have been attacked and students arrested (month and a half now) during their peaceful blockades by different paramilitary civilian thugs, some of them belonging to a ruling party too.
All this is a consequence of a 12 year ruling of a highly repressive regime, triggered by unfortunate death of 15 and severe wounding of 2 people on November 1st this year by a collapsed roof of "renewed" train station, part of the governments investments program...
Mind you, first week after the tragedy, government representatives, "president" included, not only never took the responsibility or stepped out to mourn with their own people, but claimed publicly that reconstruction of the roof never occurred...
As citizens of the Republic of Serbia, within their constitutional rights, these children, young people, oppressed farmers, and remaining civilian sector are asking for their own government to do a transparent investigation and take real responsibility for most unfortunate series of events.
Additionaly requests were made to make all (retroactive and current) national "investments and projects" transparent and open for public opinion and vote of confidence, return education system to teachers and students, return autonomy to all the institutions that got politically kidnapped (courts, parliament, education, social services, health care, etc), free National media and journalism of direct ruling system pressure, allow farmers to do live out of their own work, stop selling our land away, polluting us and simply to return our country to its citizens.
So far, besides some smoke and mirrors, nothing happened, so the peaceful protests continue. As do physical attacks of our youngest and most prosperous ones...
and here is what they have to say about it:
Our brave kids, we are all so proud of them!
Thank you in advance
Molim nekog pravnika da objasni ovo što je dotični rekao. Ako je ovo tačno, ja kupim decu i napuštam "državu" iz ovih stopa. Ako nije tačno treba ga odmah tužiti, jer ovo što je rekao mislim da je najveća noćna mora svakog roditelja!
Hello Deon Swiggs I would like to recommend to you one proposed method to assist in the move to more affordable housing. That is to change the classifcation of rental investment properties so they pay a similar level of commercial rates like Airbnb properties and small businesses. A rental property is owned for the express purpose of generating income for the owner who declares the income to the IRD. This could have the following benefits: (1) it would generate significant ongoing revenues to fund infrastructure investments (2) it could also enable lowering of rates for all other ratepayers; and (3) it could also enable reducing developer contributions for new developments.
Deputy Chair Canterbury Regional Council | Director | Doctoral Candidate
Bit of a milestone day - chaired my first formal meeting as Deputy Chair, bringing together councillors and Rūnanga of our region. Even more meaningful to have co-chaired it with Liz Brown, Chairperson of Te Taumutu Rūnanga. Great example of partnership in action and a good way to ease into the hot seat :)
Managing Director: Head of Investment Solutions at Generali | Chair of Botswana Stock Exchange |NED | OXFORD MBA | INVESTMENT WOMAN OF THE YEAR - HIGHLY COMMENDED (2022) | YOUNG INVESTMENT PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR (2019)
Exciting Times Ahead for the BSE!
It is with great pride that we announce the appointment of Mr Aupa Monyatsi as the new Chief Executive Officer of Botswana Stock Exchange Limited, effective April 2025 (pending regulatory approval).
Aupa’s remarkable leadership in multi-national organisations including Barclays, ABSA and Letshego Limited, and 20+ years of experience in Pan-African markets, financial innovation, and digital transformation, make him the ideal leader to guide the BSE into a new era of growth and impact.
His vision aligns with ours: to transform Botswana’s financial markets into a premier capital-raising hub for Africa.
As we embark on this exciting chapter, I want to thank Mr Kopano Bolokwe, our Interim CEO, for his dedication and steady hand during this transitional period.
Together, we are shaping a resilient, inclusive, and globally competitive BSE.
Here’s to new beginnings and a shared vision of excellence! 🌍✨
As a JEE Advanced physics teacher since 1999, I've had the privilege of guiding countless students on their academic journeys.
Over the years, I've come to realize that a teacher's contribution is not just about imparting knowledge or helping students achieve good grades.
It's about something much deeper.The true contribution lies in holding the hand of a student and leading them through the stages of growth—from a low performer to a mediocre one, from a mediocre performer to a good learner, and from a good learner to an excellent problem solver.
This transformation is not just about academic success; it's about shaping the way students think and approach problems.
My success and contribution may not always be measurable in conventional terms, but the impact of changing a student's thought process, teaching them how to study effectively, and making them a better learner is immeasurable.
It’s not just about providing the right answers; it’s about encouraging them to ask the right questions.
In this journey of teaching, I strive to ignite curiosity, foster critical thinking, and empower students to become independent learners.
The satisfaction of seeing a student evolve and excel, knowing that I played a part in that transformation, is the true reward of being a teacher.
Teaching is more than a profession—it's a lifelong commitment to nurturing young minds, helping them realize their potential, and ultimately contributing to the betterment of society.