Weekly power simulation, week 8 of 2024 This week saw excellent and very energetic weather, displaying plenty of wind and a quite nice solar generation throughout. The crescendo was on Friday as the low pressure wind system / storm "Rolf" passed Scandinavia, causing wind generation to break my scale. 99.4% renewable energy share. On another note: Today, the friends over at Green Power Denmark released an analysis looking deeper into the future balancing challenges of the Danish energy system. Like me, they conclude that in the future (2030), the high share of solar and wind, together with legacy installations, will suffice 99% of the time. However, the challenge is the 1% with extreme weather - i.e. cold and quiet winter days, where Denmark may need up to 2.6GW additional dispatchable generation. They conclude there's a need to introduce new capacity mechanisms to ensure that is in place. And also recommend a politically agreed storage target, and better market driven incentives for flexible consumption. As an thought provoking data point: Green Power Denmark mentions Denmark would have about 5.6GWh of storage in place by 2030, if we follow the same trajectory as Germany. That's about 40x more than what is expected by the Danish Energy Agency's standard assumptions (app. 130MWh by 2030). Personally, I'm leaning towards GWh more than MWh. ----- Each week, I run a simulation using real-world generation data from the Danish power grid, with #windenergy and #solarenergy scaled to match future (2033) capacities, as forecasted by the Danish Energy Agency. See earlier posts by searching for #WeeklyPowerSimulation The original idea for such a simplified, but very illustrative, simulation is David Osmond's from Australian Windlab. His version is found on twitter here: https://t.co/5Y3UiKB5Di