It was great fun visualising a complex process for the school organisation RVKO. Whenever a school needs renovating or rebuilding the organisation has to try to explain to the director the process that lies ahead; the various phases, what they entail and who is involved. With the old adage ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ in mind they commissioned me to translate this process into an A3 sized drawing that they could share and discuss with school directors. Using RVKO’s input, and their colours, I drew a map showing the process as a route passing through a series of islands. Each project is different but this shows the basis on one piece of paper and I hope it will be a useful tool for RVKO and all the schools involved. #visualisation #communication #illustration #buildingprocess RVKO (Rotterdamse Vereniging voor Katholiek Onderwijs)
Really cool way to visualize a complex process. A few Het Park animals would have made it even better though!
Mooi voorbeeld van initiatief tot onderhoud
Nuttig voor elk bouwproces!
Stafmanager afdeling Huisvesting bij de RVKO - Rotterdamse Vereniging voor Katholiek Onderwijs
1wSuper bedankt voor de samenwerking Magnus! Hier gaan we als RVKO zeker ons voordeel mee doen 👍