Testing the Theory of Joy As the holiday season approaches, we at MVP want to take a moment to validate what matters most - the meaningful partnerships we've built with you. From minimum viable products to maximum valuable partnerships, your trust in our journey together has been the most proven hypothesis of 2024. This holiday season, we hope you have the opportunity to iterate on what brings you joy - time with loved ones, moments of peace, and dreams for what's ahead. Looking forward to prototyping new possibilities together in 2025. Warmly, The MVP Team #VentureCapital #MVPAllStarFund #TechInnovation #preipo #siliconvalley #unicorn #MVPALLSTARFUND #mvpvc #mvp #therealmvpvc #venturebytes #allstar #ipo #research #technology #tommorowsipostoday #SecondaryAsAService #saas #SecondariesAsAService
MVP @ Manhattan Venture Partners | GP @ MVP All-Star Fund