Where art thou, Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA)? (V) Another thing that seems to be missing are the workshops/seminars/webinars in which ERSA managed to bring international people like James Robinson, Axel Dreher, Paul M. Vaaler, Daron Acemoglu, Eliana la Ferrara, Catia Batista, Nathan Nunn, David Gollin, Tim Besley, Peter Rosendorff, Nicola Limodio, Robin Burgess, Elias Papaioannou, Dieter Vollrath, James Fenske, Andrea Presbitero and so many others. What an intellectual orgy those workshops/seminars/webinars were, almost on a monthly basis. I understand there are still some (sporadic) activity happening there, however, if not mistaken, most of the sporadic activity are actually organized by other organizations coopted by ERSA. In all, we expect more from ERSA, and one day in its history ERSA was in line with similar international organizations, with a vibrant working paper series, relevant training courses provided by local and international instructors, workshops/seminars/webinars with the very best in our profession, so that our 'community of wills' could learn from the best. And by being funded by our South African Reserve Bank, even more and better is expected!! #southafrica #economics #governance
I totally concur, I thought I was the only one observed the 'captured' mandate. I personally benefited a lot dyring those days, very competitive events geared geared to capacity building, training of economists and platforms for robust engagements. I am yet to grasp the end goal with the sporadic events!
In wholehearted agreement Prof, I share your sentiment - Particularly as a retired National Treasury executive with strong links to the SARB.
CEO@TEDA | PhD in Economics
1yProf., it is/was such an important platform in the economics research value chain in our country, perhaps we could ask Christopher Loewald, Witness Simbanegavi, Nicola Viegi, Waldo Krugell, Isaah Mhlanga, Ivan Turok and Mamokete Lijane, CFA to weigh in on this matter?