Role of historic preservation in modern architecture and planning: Historic preservation in modern architecture and planning safeguards cultural heritage, fosters sustainability through adaptive reuse, and enhances urban identity. It integrates historical context with contemporary design, ensuring architectural integrity and continuity. This approach promotes economic vitality, environmental conservation, and community engagement, harmonizing past and present urban landscapes.
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2024 World Architecture Day takes place annually on the first Monday of October in parallel with the United Nations' (UN) World Habitat Day. The International Union of Architects (UIA) announces the theme: "Empowering the Next Generation in Participatory Urban Design". World Architecture Day was created by the UIA in 1985, intended "to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat." The idea was simple: the goal was "to reflect on the state of our towns and cities and the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It is also intended to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of the human habitat."
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Professor Joe Aranha was the keynote speaker at the 13th International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements (ISVS-13) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Aranha spoke on the theme of "The Relevance of Vernacular Architecture Studies Today" in the education of the architect. His presentation examined the role these studies play in perpetuating vernacular building traditions and how innovative contemporary architectural design drawn from understanding of local or regional vernacular architecture can respond to environmental, cultural and local sustainability needs worldwide.
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Africa is a melting pot of cultures, customs and traditions some of which are under threat. 🌍 African architecture is one of the traditions under threat. Traditional African architecture is slowly disappearing due to factors such as neglect by authorities meant to conserve and promote it and its significance. The rapidly urbanising South African landscape has also led to the sacrifice of traditional African architecture in favour of contemporary architecture. 🏠 There are also a few scholars, research and/or educational institutions dedicated to researching and promoting this tradition. 📝 I acknowledge that efforts are made to integrate elements of African traditional architecture within contemporary design BUT I do believe that more needs to be done to conserve and promote African architecture, particularly in projects that seek to conserve pre-colonial heritage and in post-colonial heritage memorialisation.🤲🏾 I would love to hear your views on this topic: 💡What's your take on traditional African architecture in the modern world? 💡Do you think there is room to make our heritage more recognisable? . . . #NompumeleloNzuza #AfricanArchitecture #AfricanHeritageConservation #HeritageConservation #HeritageProjects #TraditionalAfricanArchitecture
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Writing is a mysterious process. At first I just wanted to publish some of my projects on this website. But then it got out of hand, I kept writing and it turned into a blog. Anyway, I'm happy to share my website and with it my thoughts on architecture, cities and landscapes, high art and the mundane, and my curiosity about the poetics of everyday urban phenomena.
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Great legacies endure through remembrance: On this day in 1969, architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe passed away in Chicago, Illinois. Over five decades later, we continue to admire his work and promote the knowledge of his legacy. ✨ In this sense, in addition to preserving and disseminating knowledge about the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion, the Fundació Mies van der Rohe, through a variety of cultural and academic activities, promotes the study of the work of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Lilly Reich and the Modern Movement, as well as debate and awareness of issues related to contemporary architecture and urbanism. Among their key initiatives is the organisation, jointly with the European Commission, of the EUmies Awards, one of the most prestigious of all European architecture prizes. His work still captivating us today, serving as a constant and enduring source of learning for generations. 🎥 Fragments from the trailer of the documentary film ‘The Mies van der Rohes’ by Sabine Gisiger presented during the first #PantallaPavelló2024. Find out more about at 🔗 🔗 #miesbcn #miesvanderrohe #lillyreich #architecture #arquitectura #architettura #cultura #culture #EUmiesAwards #EUmiesAwards2024 #architectureawards #EuropeanUnion #EuropeanCommission #Europe
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What do our heritage buildings tell us about the cultural norms and definitions of beautiful architecture of the time, and does contemporary architecture bring the same level of depth and richness to the urban fabric of our cities? In episode 1, Robert Evans and Mohammed Khizr discuss this and more! 🏢👥 Full episode:
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High Gothic architecture of the 13th century at the Catedral Primada Santa María de Toledo in Spain.
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So how much should planners and architects know about historic buildings? Can you tell Georgian domestic architecture from Victorian? One of our #CPD sessions at AMS Planning talks about the (sometimes) subtle differences that are obvious when you know. What do you think? (HBOs aren’t allowed to take part…they might get it wrong!) #heritage #georgianarchitecture #victorian No cheating by looking up my YouTube channel video on this subject!
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The book delves into the intricate interplay between architecture, historical heritage, and the evolving practice of adaptive reuse, presenting it as a generational responsibility for our civilization. It frames the reuse of ruins not merely as a theoretical challenge but as a civic duty, particularly in a time that calls for the preservation of historical heritage. Addressing adaptive reuse through two main strategies, the book engages the international academic community, contributing to a theoretical glossary, and fosters global participation through an annual design workshop for architecture students. This dual approach bridges theoretical discourse with practical trends, opening new avenues for debate. The book advocates for “critical design,” a creative process that respects the historical significance of ruins while promoting contemporary interventions. It underscores the idea that ruins are not static relics but dynamic entities capable of evolving, creating new meanings and uses. By integrating diverse disciplines, architects are encouraged to engage with the past to envision futures where historical spaces remain relevant and accessible to communities. Ultimately, the book champions a thoughtful, innovative approach to heritage—one that balances reverence for the past with the demands of the present and future. Through adaptive reuse, the aim is to shape a built environment that honors historical roots while dynamically contributing to the future, aligned with broader ecological and cultural imperatives.
Adaptive Reuse — Reuse Italy
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In the world of architecture, character is the silent storyteller.
💬 Character is the language that buildings speak. 🎬 We asked Isabel Allen, Editor of Architecture Today; Carlo Castelli, the Director from Urban Purpose; Amy Frearson, Editor and moderator of our London Landing event; Harald Hübl, Co-founder of greenturtle gmbh; Rumi Bose, regeneration consultant of the Royal Borough of Greenwich; and Ben Cross, Development Director from General Projects just what does character mean? 📖 Our Conversation on Character continues in our monograph, here: Video: Corry Raymond Venue: Barbican Centre #londonlanding #chybikkristof #craftingcharacter #conversation #dialogue #architecture #urbanism #design
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